Can you buy used cell phones | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you buy used cell phones


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
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Fresno CA
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86 ranger no more
I have verizon coverage and my cell phone is jacked. It cuts out super bad when trying to talk to people and half the time it wont charge when I plug it in at home. The phone is over a year old and has seen some pretty good drops at work (10 plus feet) I still have about a year and a half on my contract so I cant wait till it is up and get a new phone. I could care less if it has a camera or most of the other options available. Where should I look for one.

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Yes you can.. Just make sure before bidding or buying it, you call up the provider to see if the phone is reported stolen or if there is any outstanding balance due on it.. I know Nextel is like that when it comes to phones.. One of my old cell phones I bought a while ago had a $300 balance..

Same here, aldive. You can buy used phones, but it must be unlocked (can be used with any carrier) or it has to be locked to the provider you plan on using.

An alternative is to sign up for the damage insurance and then make sure that your phone is damaged beyond repair...

But, yes, you can buy a used cell phone - my kids do it all the time and I'm looking myself (I want a Treo - PDA/phone and they are $300 less on eBay than in the store!). Like others said - call in the serial number on the phone to make sure that it is clear - if it has a bill or has been locked, it will be worthless to you.

If it's a GSM, you simply transfer your SIM card to it, and in a few minute's your up and running.

Others you have to call the provider to get it changed..

Alright, If you have Verizon service you have to buy a Verizon cell phone. I see plenty of them for sale on ebay all the time. You can buy and activate any Verizon tri-mode phone you find on ebay. There is no swapping cards or "unlocking" anything with verizon, you have to stick with thier phones.

True, you can't unlock Verizon phoens, but you can use an unlocked phone with them. If it's GSM you just slide in a SIM card, CDMA you have to call your provider and give them the ESN.

huskyfan23 said:
True, you can't unlock Verizon phoens, but you can use an unlocked phone with them. If it's GSM you just slide in a SIM card, CDMA you have to call your provider and give them the ESN.
I'm almost positive Verizons CDMA only

I sold Verizon phones for over 2 years, they will only allow you to use thier phones.

Thanks guys. Ill go check the local store and see what they have it they want to much then it is off to ebay to find something.

eBay will always be cheaper, unless you start a new plan, then you can sometimes get a good deal. Back when color and camera phones first came out I wanted one, but wasn't going to spend $300 on eBay or $200 with $50/month service, so I went through They had the T720i (when it first came out) for $50 after rebates. When I got tired of it I made a profit on eBay, though I still had service fees it was still cheaper than buying in a store or eBay. I like the new Motorola Razr, but it's expensive, and I've already got a business phone, don't wanna carry 2 cell phones.

If you sign up for Verizon's web services, you can actually transfer your phone number to your new phone online. As long as you have made sure that the phone doesn't have any outstanding balance and you have the phone's ESN. It literally takes 10 minutes max.

I went in the store talked to them and they gave me a new phone FREE :D :D . They looked up my account said my phone was still under warrenty and exchanged it out for a new one of the same model. While the lady was doing the paperwork she said she saw where the sticker on the battery turned pink stating it had gotten wet. But sence she already started doing the changeout she wouldnt make me mail the phone in. She also transfered all my phone numbers over to the new phone and had it all taken care of in about 15 minutes. She did say I probably should get a new phone cause my old battery would mess up the new phone ?? Overall very happy with how they treated me and am still a satisfied customer of verizion.

RockRanger said:
Overall very happy with how they treated me and am still a satisfied customer of verizion.
i think thats a first

Well, here's another satisfied customer. :D It's a whole lot better than Cingular. That company's coverage sucks compared to Verizon's.

[QUOTE='96explorereddiebauer]Well, here's another satisfied customer. :D It's a whole lot better than Cingular. That company's coverage sucks compared to Verizon's.[/QUOTE]

The merger with between Cingular and AT&T Wireless completed yesterday.

I'm hoping it doesn't just go totally down hill from there.

tdavis said:
The merger with between Cingular and AT&T Wireless completed yesterday.

I'm hoping it doesn't just go totally down hill from there.

yea i am on at&t and my coverage is pretty good, but even before the merger my phone would switch between at&T towers and cingular towers. my free moble to moble was only when my phone was on an at&t tower so now i have no idea whats going on :confused:

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I have at&t and its good news to me- my coverage isnt going to change(cingular and AT&T combined had the most coverage in CT, even more than verizon), but i will be able to talk to my GF for free soon (shes on cingular)
