Changing to double din dvd on 2002 xlt | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing to double din dvd on 2002 xlt

Hi, Ex04 any info or advise will help. I'm new at this high tech stuff.


heres what i did. My camera is mounted right above the hitch. To run the wire you open up the back hatch and pull up the carpet a little. You should than see a rubber gromet on the left side. If you pull that out you can see under the car. Mount your camera and run your wires along the bumper into the hole and from there run them along the floor. If you pull up the kick panels by the doors you will see a large wire harness, just run it along side that up to the drivers seat into your head unit. Let me know if you need any help. I dont know how you're doing your wiring, but your head unit should have a wire marked reverse cam.

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The location just above the hitch sounds the easiest wiring path by far. The issue I have is I drive most of the time with Tow hitch fitted. Therefor I would think this would obstruct the camara vision. I will have a closer look.

Do you have a camara type recommendation. There is many to chiose from on E-bay.

The location just above the hitch sounds the easiest wiring path by far. The issue I have is I drive most of the time with Tow hitch fitted. Therefor I would think this would obstruct the camara vision. I will have a closer look.

Do you have a camara type recommendation. There is many to chiose from on E-bay.

If you want wants that works and don't care about picture quality, get a CMOS one. If you want one that is almost as clear as looking in the rear vision mirror, get a CCD one (just search on reverse CCD on ebay). The CCDs are about $50 more than the CMOS. Oh, and you don't need infra red - the reverse lights work very well with the CCD camera.

The cameras are all fish-eye/wide-angle lenses anyway, so the hitch shouldn't get in the way too much. you can always wire it all up and leave the permanent position till last, then just tape it in position while you test it and move it to wherever gives you the best view - just leave a bit of slack in the wire to let you move it around a bit. you can then always pull the excess back into the cabin and tuck it in behind the plastic cover panels.


Thanks for the camara data, and your suggestion for trial location sounds like a good idea. I will do some reserch on ebay of the CCD type.

P.S I read you specs you have 2" king springs. Are they fitted all round and did thay actually give the car 2" lift?


Thanks for the camara data, and your suggestion for trial location sounds like a good idea. I will do some reserch on ebay of the CCD type.

P.S I read you specs you have 2" king springs. Are they fitted all round and did thay actually give the car 2" lift?

Yes, they are fitted all round. With the standard shocks, they have only resulted in a bit over an inch lift at this stage, but with longer throw shocks, they should give me the full 2", I am also looking at some of RBs spacers 1.5" front, and 1 rear.

How do you like that deck? How is the resolution and the NAV features? Did you compare it to the Pioneer?

Backup cam

i know a very easy way to install a backup camera. i did it on mine and it took about 20 minutes. Let me know if your interested.

Interested in finding out, can u tell me what cam you used and where to get it? Also, What are you using as a monitor?

Camera type

Hi Danvelazquez

The camera I installed was a CCD type from ebay cost around $50 aus. Sorry don't have the vendor name. It work very well and it has a swivel mount that I adjust for viewing done onto toe hitch. I used the DVD as the monitor

Can we see pics of how the reverser camera is mounted? I would like to mount one too but no idea where to place it.

i mounted mine right over the lis. plate then ran the wiring through the hatch. i have min tapped into a relay that is powered off the plate light bulbs. as long as you have the lights on it will be on but i also have a 4 inch screen that plays the whole time i drive. also if you tow alot i found it useful that i can rotate my camera up and down. i can aim it right at the hitch and hook up to my trailer on the first try its a life saver. also very entertaining when my buddies saw me hook up to the boat without a ground guide. plus seeing peoples faces when you get inches away from there vehicle when you are parallel parking haha

bardram, what headunit is that?

kenwood DNX 4100, i have that installed in my 02 xlt, very easy to do.. 20 min tops, i ran my navigation antenna through to the defrost vent in the middle of the windsheild... works like a charm... that deck is really nice too..

i got a vid up on youtube with it installed, just look for jrfarve's set up

kenwood DNX 4100, i have that installed in my 02 xlt, very easy to do.. 20 min tops, i ran my navigation antenna through to the defrost vent in the middle of the windsheild... works like a charm... that deck is really nice too..

Its actually a DNX 7100
