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for a cheap mod, grab a grille off ebay to your liking......

Nice work, i'm on the same boat as you on the lower grille, i like the stock look of upper grille but want to add something different to the lower, i have been thinking about a grill like te onte on expedition, upper and lower grill have the rectangles pattern.

your X is all black, complete the look by painting your grille SATIN or GLOSS BLACK !!! - its really easy, and only takes about 1 to 2 hours max to complete

Hey CALDWELL, got picture of that grill? I have the can of Fusion but I might be having second thoughts. Now I may have to do the lower inserts too. Those look good. I have an EB and I want to paint the woodgrain trim on the inside black as well.
As far as cheap mods go I've pulled the roof rack and debadged. Doesn't get any cheaper than free.

pardon, the pic...

my X is a little dirty, but thats what it looks like... and also i want to point out that i did not clear coat it either... i just coated it 5 times front and back...

caldwellsubs007.jpg has them for 60 bucks shipped. Follow the instructions (no u dont need to buy 5, i've been buying them from here and selling them for years)
