check engine light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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check engine light


New Member
November 11, 2008
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City, State
Lexington, Ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 V6 XLT 4X4
Hi everyone!
The check engine light is on and I cant make it go! I checked some threads and they talk about the oxygen sensors? Does anyone know what is the problem and how to fix it? Thanks!!

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Have you read any of the codes?

Mass amounts of things could be wrong for the car to just "not start."

What does it do when you try to start it? Was there any weird noises before it stopped starting? Could it be your battery or connections?

O2 sensors are usually not the problem in no starts. As sjdurb asked, what is it doing when you try to start it?

Find the thread on reading codes with a trouble light and follow it, or go to your local parts place and get a code reader. I bought one @ the local Autozone for $49. It has saved me about $500 in labor for misc problems.

No weird noises no nothing just the check engine light on. Usually I turn on the truck and in the next 20min or so the light will turn on! And stay like that the rest of the day, but rather than that the truck runs and feels great I just want to get rid of that annoying light! Will go to the auto parts and get a code reader.

Mine did the same thing so I tried a simple fix...took off the MAF and sprayed it all down especially the contacts...been fine ever since...simple thing for you to try...they ususally need cleaning anyway

Ok, thank you will try!!! what is the MAF? sprayed it with what?

Ok, thank you will try!!! what is the MAF? sprayed it with what?

Before doing anything, see which codes are being stored. :thumbsup:

Without them you are shooting blanks.

Ok, thank you will try!!! what is the MAF? sprayed it with what?

Like Turdle said, check codes... and post them here.

Clean MAF sensor with:

Thank guys!! Actually I changed the MAF 2 weeks ago because doing the oil change they told me that the MAF was the problem but the light still on! I did not clean it though!
