Christmas Presents / Mods ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Christmas Presents / Mods ?


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia Airport, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 V6 Silver XLT
So as you all were expecting someone to post something along these lines...

So who all got what for XMAS, mods or just awesome presents ??

im just about to finish my shift @ the firehouse, so ill post up when i get home to my family...

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All the tubing,couplers and vacuum fittings for the stage 2 airbox mod (Thanks James!), Merry Xmas all.
X2 on the family.

Custom tune from James (early gift), re-installed Uniden CB and Wilson antenna (last years gifts), and bought new BFG AT/KO's (after selling a perfectly good set in June :mad: )

got a set of off road lights to put behind my grill!

Payed the mechanics bill...

Isn't that the mechanics Xmas present?:D

installed my spacer lift

put offroad lights on my Bicycle. and a car horn. now i need a springer fork, lowrider tires and wheels, curb feelers,

An 80 ci V twin in there would be nice for next Xmas.

got money to go towards a new throttle body, now to just decide which one :)

I got money to go towards some mod and an oil change...just don't know what mod to do now...

I myself got exactly what I wanted this year which I can say im thrilled about...

Early - Tuner from James... ( from myself lol )

Remote Start !!!!!! - Winter Epic Win

150$ gift card to ( firefighter toys' r us )

150$ gift card for GALLS ( new station uniforms for work )

New Pioneer head unit. Went out at 5 A.M. this morning and removed the old one and came back inside to take a nap... then the install began. Took me 2 hours to hardwire everything (no store bought harnesses)

It was my first "major" electrical install and I did really well. I was pretty excited to say the least.

A set of Trail-Gear Rock sliders!

I got chocolate, some new jeans and a wireless mouse for my laptop.

Got about $250 to go towards supplies at Home Depot for the built-in entertainment that I will be doing myself in the next week or so(I'll start a new thread) Also got a $20 GC to McDonalds so I can get me some Vanilla Iced Coffees:D

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