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Explorer Addict
January 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt Ks
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountaineer 5.0
Bought a dash mount from him everything went smooth

fast shipping

no problems would buy from again :D

Thanks CJ

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Tow Hooks

Purchased a set of tow hooks everything went great. Fast shipping too.

Bought Moonroof cover very nice! fast shipping Thanks CJ

NoProblem;) Glad the Transactions went well and you guys like your stuff:thumbsup:

Thanks for the locks, Chris! :cool:

Fast shipment of lock set and item arrived as described. Thank you Chris:p:

Fog light, just in time for fall

CJ offered to grab a fog light for me during a junk yard run. He picked up one in great shape and shipped it fast... saving my wife from the inevitably garage-cluttering results of me going to a junk yard to find it (and this... and that.... and oooh, loook at that...) :cool:

Can't thank you enough :thumbsup:

Bought a Message Center from CJ, it's in awesome shape, showed up really quick, can't wait to hook it up!!!

thanks again!!

Bought a pair of clear tail lights from CJ. Arrived quickly and pachaged well. A++


Another good tranaction..

He sent me a bill for the part through paypal, I paid, the part showed up Priority Mail.. no issues at all.

