cleaning maf and iac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cleaning maf and iac


Well-Known Member
June 2, 2004
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'93 XLT 4x4
i cant seem to find a 10mm piece to get the bolts off the iac and i dont have the torx bits to get the maf off and i cant go anywhere to get them because the car is dead. what size piece could work in getting the iac off and how could i get the torx bits off?

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i got the iac off and unhooked the harness. what parts should i spray with the cleaner?

Thank you, I just cleaned the the valve on the iac and was wondering if you are also supposed to spray electric cleaner into the intake part?

crazyfoolreal said:
Thank you, I just cleaned the the valve on the iac and was wondering if you are also supposed to spray electric cleaner into the intake part?

It won't hurt, but a Sea Foam treatment through the intake will be more effective.

ive never used seafoam before, can i just spray it in the intake?
