Clunk while four wheel engaged | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clunk while four wheel engaged


February 18, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Hello All,

My four wheel drive has been working great all winter long on my 01 4.0 until the other day when we got some snow. I threw it in hi going about 40 or so along the highway, everything seemed normal. All of the sudden it felt like a hit a pothole with front right wheel... I thought it strange when the road was practically bran new. I shrugged it off and about 20-30 seconds later it did it again (like I said, felt like I hit a pothole). Now I was beginning to think it was the four wheel drive so I turned it off. I waited until I was able to get on a slower road and tried it again. Sure enough, about 20-30 seconds later it did the same thing. What in the hells would be coming from my front that would cause my explorer to shutter that bad every 20 seconds or so? It doesn't happen in two wheel drive whatsoever..... I know my cv axel is leaking... would that have cause it at all?

Thanks in advance!

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It very well could not... I was reading on here how to replace them. Is is something I can regrease and put a new seal on? How much should I expect to pay for a new cv axel at a parts place?


I'm pretty sure the boot is ripped. How are you able to tell if the axel itself is bad or if replacing the boot itself will solve the problem?

