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May 17, 2004
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anyone here go to college?

I just started at my local community college (american river college in sacramento pretty much) So far its pretty cool, i was dumb enough to drop out when i was 16 but now i think im back on the right track. I figured i should get my general ed out of the way and then figure out my major.

Class schedule (total 7 units)
-Introduction to philosophy
-Introduction to chemical dependency
-Weight training

Just finished my first week today, didn't get a whole lot of class time, most of the classes were just meant to get a syllabus and get a general idea of what the class is about. next week should be fun.

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Good, stick with it until you Graduate. Not with an AA, but a BA or a BS.

yup, I go....1st year motive power technician.....some days I hate it, then I think back to HS, and remember how much that sucked.....then it's not so bad...

Yup, James Madison University. 109 of 120 credits with one more semester to go.

Penn State University - Class of 2005 (Graduating in May).

Per my degree audit: -----> ALL REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET OR ARE IN PROGRESS <-----

Law school is next.

My only advice is never quit. The longer you're in school (within reason), the prettier that paycheck will be when you're through. Now, don't stay in college a'la Bluto in Animal House, but keep pushing yourself. Good luck!

Junior year of Aerospace Engineering at Rutgers University; New Brunswick here.

I can't wait till im done.

VBVA said:
Yup, James Madison University. 109 of 120 credits with one more semester to go.

WTF, I need like 160 credits to graduate from Sam.

Junior CJ major at Sam Houston State University, #1 college in the country for CJ. EAT EM' UP KATS

Good luck and stick with it; your education will pay off.

American River (go Beavers!) is a pretty good school with lots of hotties, especially in summer (go beavers!). You may see a blind prof there walking around (jim weatherspoon) who used to be my neighbor. good guy. And when you're done at AR, there is Sac State, also a decent school.

why would you want to be introduced to chemical dependency?

foned said:
Class schedule (total 7 units)
-Introduction to philosophy
-Introduction to chemical dependency
-Weight training

Just finished my first week today, didn't get a whole lot of class time, most of the classes were just meant to get a syllabus and get a general idea of what the class is about. next week should be fun.

You might want to have a good idea of where you would like to go after Community College (you know, the 4 year college/ university you'll transfer to) and get an idea of their core classes so you know that what you are taking is actually going to help you later on. For example: I took 3 semesters of classes at CC but only two of them transferred as core classes. All the rest were just counted as electives, which don't help me out very much. And don't listen to the counselors at your CC, you'll want to talk to someone at the college you want to transfer to.

Anyway, good luck! I know how hard it is to start late like that and it sucks to be 23 (soon 24) and still have a couple of years left but it's worth it.

srcoptdc said:
Good luck and stick with it; your education will pay off.

American River (go Beavers!) is a pretty good school with lots of hotties, especially in summer (go beavers!). You may see a blind prof there walking around (jim weatherspoon) who used to be my neighbor. good guy. And when you're done at AR, there is Sac State, also a decent school.

why would you want to be introduced to chemical dependency?

Drugs have always intrigued me for some reason, i never really got into them though, alot of people in my family are alcoholics or ex drug abusers.

thanks for the kind words everyone, im going to stick with it for as long as needed. I want to get a masters maybe, im not entirely sure how the whole college thing works yet. I want a degree, not sure if i will transfer to a four year college or not. Im gonna see how i do this semester and how i feel next semester and go from there.

AdamCKach said:
Penn State University - Class of 2005 (Graduating in May).

Per my degree audit: -----> ALL REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET OR ARE IN PROGRESS <-----

Law school is next.

My only advice is never quit. The longer you're in school (within reason), the prettier that paycheck will be when you're through. Now, don't stay in college a'la Bluto in Animal House, but keep pushing yourself. Good luck!

Wish my audit said that :rolleyes: Hopefully summer or *gasp* fall :cool: and I'll be on my way with a nice piece of paper and a whole lotta debt!

Another PSU kid here, got about 13 credits in the summer session and I'll have a B.S. in B.S. j/k. B/S in Crime,Law and Justice. Keep with it and good luck.

Junior at Coastal Carolina University in Myrtle Beach, SC! one year left then im on my own :eek:

Rock on, Penn Staters. Any of you drive the black Sport (98-00) with the black Outlaw rims and 31's? I don't park in the commuter lot often, but when I do, I usually see it there.

Graduating in March from Ohio State. Industrial Systems Engineering. Have ~250 credits under my belt and the degree requires 196 or so.

Lets just say my section titled "Not used for any specific requirement" on my audit has a nice list going.

Oh....also currently seeking employment :thumbsup:

I'm a sophmore at University of Alaska, Anchorage. Goin for Business Admin. I want to transfer to Ohio State before my senior year. Keep up with school, don't quit (both my parents did, and they regret it)...

thanks, im gonna try and stay with it as long as necessary.

I'm a senior at University of Nevada, Reno with only 6 more credits required to graduate. I am attending dental school next year (I have been accepted at Vegas and Portland so now I have to get off my butt and actually decide).
Stick with it, it will be the best decision you could make!!!
Best of luck and keep us informed on what you pursue. ;)

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AdamCKach said:
Rock on, Penn Staters. Any of you drive the black Sport (98-00) with the black Outlaw rims and 31's? I don't park in the commuter lot often, but when I do, I usually see it there.

thats my best friend phil, those are my old tires and I talked him into getting the black rims. I think they look good! His is a 95 explorer expedition. And they are 32x11.5s with shackles in back, only a ever so slight tt in the front.
