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Computer Firewall Protection


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 13, 1999
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Tampa, FL
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Chief GPS'um and Still Lost Native Texan
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'99 EB 4x4 "Herc" RIP
We seem to have lost the previous thread in the move to the new server.

Just wanted to thank you guys for your help.

I've got a piddly little home computer with nothing to interest outsiders; except for maybe my "X" whom I would not particularly care to see my personal files, though that isn't really a big deal either. WYSIWYG with me, even with her.

However it is fascinating to witness the continual attempts ZoneAlarm has alerted me to of outside efforts to ping my computer and get access to it. I had no idea that stuff was going on while I was fooling around on the internet. Now that I think about it, I do not care for an unknown to get access to my tax files from previous years.

This world really isn't a very safe place and I guess my too-naive outlook must face that.

I suggest you other members get some firewall protection.

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"
