Custom Level/Lift/Lower | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom Level/Lift/Lower


Explorer Addict
September 11, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Baton Rouge LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLS Touring
For those of you interested in lifting/leveling/lowering your third gen. explorer, the site is When you go to the site, go to the bottom part where it says "custom" and go to request a quote. This alows you to ask a price for a custom set of coil springs, front or rear, to lift/level/lower your explorer. I suggest calling too, to explain to the person how you want your job to be done.

To install your springs, i suggest getting it done at a shop with a wall-mounted spring compressor. I thought i would be able to manage with spring copressors myself, but the compression rate is so high because these springs are made thicker for a small area.

The custom springs won't actually make the strut bigger, but rather adds more compression in the spring to push it further down, resulting in a lift. If you're planning to want to lift more than about 3 inches, i suggest looking for a new set of control arms and/or a bigger set of struts. 2 inches wasn't all the way to level but it definately gave my explorer the obvious 4x4 look. If you are to use this to level your explorer, I would suggest using 3 inches instead of 2. The result of 2 inches....




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How does your explorer ride and handle with the new lift? I suspect wheel travel is limited... Curious about putting a lift on my 02XLT

so having had new springs mounted on the fronts, do you have any opinions on doing the same in the rear?

forget wut i said earlier in this thread about getting new control arms. it shouldnt be needed unless u actually get bigger shocks.

as i said in the last one, as much as u think u can do it, unless u have a wall-mounted spring compressor, dont try it, especially with 3 inch lifted springs, it will take ur head clean off if u use the little miniture spring compressors. the way i got to the strut, rather than working around stuff, was to dismantle the main nut holding the control arm together... once that is out of ur way, just remove the bolts and pull that baby out of there.... once u get that strut out, use the wall-mounted one to do the deal... i havent done it on the rear of mine so i dont have any suggestions for that

good luck

This news is good

the downtravel is 3" at max drop hanging on a lift, so I wouldnt suggest doing a 3" lift. The max suggested is 1 1/4" from a few spring manufacturers I have spoken to. longer shocks is what is needed with the longer springs

well yea this is true, but comparing my two sets of springs, from the 2-inch "lifted" they built me compared to my stock ones, really the only difference i can see is thicker coil wire, meaning more compression. it may have one extra coil but they arent that much different. i get wut ur saying though and i appreciate the feedback
