DALLAS/FT.WORTH AND SURROUNDING AREAS AUGUST 2 & 3RD GILMER RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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guess wath.......the 33s are oooonnnnnn!!!!!! woohoo. love the new height. jut need some trimming done at brian's place tonite. pictures to come for sure.

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:bounce: :bounce: Bigger Tires :bounce: :bounce:

Now all we need is to get them nice and dirty!!

tick tock tick tock

Re: Re: 1 WD, Me too........

Originally posted by Johnstone
To manually put it in 4lo you just need to remove the shift motor and use something like pliers or a screwdriver to turn the selector. You can ask Randall about it. He has been shifting his manually.

I have been engaging mine manually for over a year now. Pliers are pretty rough on that knob. Mine is completely twisted now. I tried to put a shift motor on it but it is too twisted to seat properly. I find what works best is a gator grip type socket. I keep mine in easy reach of the driver's seat. I now call my t-case 'the third hub'.


I have your manual T-case all loaded and ready to roll to Gilmer. No more third hub :p

GAtor socket.....

What size would that be? Bigger than a 9/16 or is it a one size fits all. I need to go get one at lunch today.

Thanks Rob

is it a one size fits all

There you go. The GatorGrip is one of those cheesy late night infomercial things. They probably sell them somewhere. I'm sure you could borrow Randalls this weekend though.

Originally posted by Michael
There you go. The GatorGrip is one of those cheesy late night infomercial things. They probably sell them somewhere. I'm sure you could borrow Randalls this weekend though.
I think I've seen it for sale at Wally-mart. :D

Got it.....

I just picked one up at Autozone. Tonight I will test 4lo and hopefull get all the seats bolted in. This will be a fun first outing. Can't wait to actually "wheel" my rig again.

Whooo Hooooo!

Then I'll start fixing all the little things, like gauges, and turn signals, and putting the interiour back togather, adn someday.....a radio.


Alrighty guys, after the run, I want photographic proof that Rob's Explorer really showed up and is really running, LOL :D

Proof.........We don't need no proof!

Originally posted by GJarrett
Alrighty guys, after the run, I want photographic proof that Rob's Explorer really showed up and is really running, LOL :D

OK, Mister Rubicon dude. I got your proof right here!
( Lord, please keep my truck running for 3 more days )

All I can say is it sure is fun to drive something that sat for almost 3 years.....

Brought to you by the letter P. ( Proof )

His truck is running... You can tell without seeing or hearing it as he has posted more in one week than he has in three years :) J/K I cant wait to see it in action again.

Oh my gawd....

Brian hit the nail on the head. I've actually returned from lurker status to active ( almost ) wheeling status.

Scary,Scary,Scary. What will my neighbors think when trucks start showing up at my house again?

My next goal is to be street legal.

I may try to head out early with Msupertek if I get all the seats bolted in early enough on Friday. Otherwise I will Meet Daniel at the Wal-mart. (I'll call if I am not going to be there )

Thanks Rob

Re: Oh my gawd....

Originally posted by Gofast

I may try to head out early with Msupertek if I get all the seats bolted in early enough on Friday.
I especially want to see photos if he shows up with a loose lawn chair for a driver's seat :D

I am headed towards Gilmer Friday @ 4:00 PM.

Here is all the cell numbers that will be with me

Brian #214-597-5385
Dina #214-454-7926
Brad #214-597-5389

I dont know when Ill get there Sat. Im not a morning person :eek: . It shouldnt be to hard to find a 1/4 mile long string of X's in that place! Any one heard any more from Rick?
Gofast thanks so much for putting my Warns on a few yrs back;) what kind of beer you drink? See you guys sometime Sat.

Herc's former :( copilot signing off

Lot's of friends.

I prefer cold beer, but any beer will do in a jamb!

Look forward to seeing you again AspenX.

Brian which CB channel will you guys be running on?

I will most likely meet Daniel at Wal-Mart.

Thanks Rob

SVO can't make it.

Just found out SVO will not be able to make it out.

Bummer but hey there are still a lot of us. By the way Go Fast if you do want to follow me out (or anyone else for that matter who has a change of heart) here is my phone number. 817-992-6527.

Later guys, I look forward to seeing all ya'll out there.:D

woohoo...i got 33s and i cannot wheel.. go figure. guess this time around i am all talk, no show.

Rob, That is a good qqestion. I guess someone should post the CB channel so Rob can find us when he gets there. Rob also take down all three #'s I just gave you. One of them are bound to work.

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