DALLAS/FT.WORTH AND SURROUNDING AREAS AUGUST 2 & 3RD GILMER RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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will my little hand held walkie talkie pick up the cb's channels?

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Originally posted by AspenX
I dont know when Ill get there Sat. Im not a morning person :eek: . It shouldnt be to hard to find a 1/4 mile long string of X's in that place! Any one heard any more from Rick?
Gofast thanks so much for putting my Warns on a few yrs back;) what kind of beer you drink? See you guys sometime Sat.

Herc's former :( copilot signing off

The group of Xterra's and Frontiers are leaving the Wal-mart in Garland at 9am if you want to join us.

Your walkie talkie will not work. I thiiiiiink.......... Well my F-150 is sitting outside here at work w/ a large Exploder sitting on a trailer :) I cant wait to get on the road. Today will be a long day with the anticipation. See you all there. Take my #'s down and call me.

Randall, Michael, and Rob. Email me with your cell #'s


CB channel 13

Even the cheap little walkie talkies usually go up to 13. Now, if you're talking about the little two-ways that have gotten so popular, I think that they run on different freq. from citizen band, but I may be wrong.

Normal wheeling channel is 3 or 4, but from what I hear, everyone and their dog will be cluttering up those two. I say we use 13 (it's the old Colorado Contingent lucky channel). And, by the way, I picked up an antenna tuner (SWR?) yesterday hoping to get mine squaking a little better. If anyone else needs some fine tuning, you're welcome to use it.

I'm leaving Arlington as close to 5pm as I can (which means, probably 6pm :rolleyes: ).

When I get there I plan to pick up the newest map and putter around the place, get familiar with the main roads. I'll be listening to channel 13, and hope to end up down around Old Camp.


Darkman = Trint. 817-683-2990

no body working today..looks like the whole crew is online.

Work is way over rated!:banghead: :banghead:

Exactly, I will probably be doing exactly this all the way till 4 when I leave for Gilmer.

I second that!

lol... so this is how it is when people go wheeling.. no work on the day of the trip. hey, first time wheeler here, i have an excuse. what is y'alls excuse?

I dont need one :smoke:

I can work and dork around at the same time, I am a multitalented multitasking maniac!!!:frustrate :frustrate :frustrate :frustrate

u think i will get pulled over if i drive without the front bumper this weekend?

Funny you should ask. I dug out my front license plate and dusted it off. It's sitting on my dash. Seems like every time I went on a long wheeling trip in CO, I got pulled over for not having a front license plate. *stupid, dumb, grr, hicklefifer* Never got a ticket, but still.

So, I dug out my front TX plate just in case.

i had been driving witout my front plate for 1/2 year now.. i thnk it fell off. been lucky so far. there are 2 cops that live in my neighborhood but they had not said anything.. so i htin i am safe

I can't imagine any copy would actually ticket you for something like that. I think, for me, it was just an excuse to pull me over and run my id and plates. You know. Those crazy explorer people must be on drugs. :rolleyes:

In college once, I got pulled over because I only had one working licences plate light and the truck I was driving had two bulbs. What it came down to was that I was driving in a rough neighborhood at night. :rolleyes: Too bad a white guy can't sue for profiling.

or they just want to check out how i fit a 33 on an explorer? lol....
ok.. i really really need to go back to work here

You can drive without the bumper Its just going to be more obvious now without the bumper

cool. one less thing for me to do when i get off work. alright then...off abck to work before i get fired

Looks like you guys are going to have lots of fun. Too bad I have to miss it. Work is keeping me busy this Week end.

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It sure would have been nice to see my old Green Monster. Sux you cant make it out. We will rub it in when we get back :p
