Damarble's 01 Sport, coil sprung HP D30 SAS, SOA, 33s, 4.56s, lockers | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Damarble's 01 Sport, coil sprung HP D30 SAS, SOA, 33s, 4.56s, lockers

Just finished the rear axle today, SOA with Aussie locker and 4.56 gears. Rear springs are shot from towing and still need to be replaced. Also I need to weld shock mounts on the axle. This will all be done after the front axle is installed. It is a HP Dana 30 with gears and a locker to be added in a few months. Front suspension will be a Y-link with XJ coils and Ballistic brackets. Steering and panhard will be stock XJ for now. Tires are 33/12.5/15 Interco Truxus M/Ts on Soft 8 wheels with stock Ford center caps.


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Cool beans. CE is a great field to find work with after the service. Intel... Make sure your background is squeaky clean, make sure your Facebook and Myspace doesn't have questionable stuff in it. Seriously, get whatever they tell you writing.

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air force here as well. take the d lab tomorrow, im trying to get into intell. i scored high enough on the asvab already to do whatever i want.

Cool. I qualify for intel too but I'm not really interested. I'm actually starting to favor Munitions Systems (2W0X1) now, sounds like a great job.



looks great man! one question that i may have missed in the reading, what did you do for brake lines?

They are from a Jeep YJ, they bolt to the Ford lines and Jeep brakes with no adapters and they are really long.

Spent a few hours at the offroad park this morning.











bring that thing to cali and we will do fordyce. :)

Ha CA is a long way and gas isn't getting any cheaper.

This truck isn't going to see too much action anymore. Once I'm done with my Air Force stint I'm going to open some kind of fab shop and this truck will be advertisement so it needs to stay pretty. I picked up a 91 Sport that will become my hardcore crawler!

Anymore pictures of how you did the shift boot cover? Mine is all torn up and needs some attention.

Big update coming this weekend...

What's going on here?




You're pregnant? Congratulations!

Chopping the top eh? You could buy a ranger! I thought about doing that and putting in a ranger gate. Rookieshooters B2 is pretty sweet set up that way.

Anymore pictures of how you did the shift boot cover? Mine is all torn up and needs some attention.

Sorry missed that one. No more pics. I pretty much just made a funnel shaped piece from automotive vinyl from an upholstery shop. Turned it inside out to do the stitching.

Oh noes.


Wow. You got a set! I bet you are feeling a little like "I hope this turns out as good as I hoped it would" right now! Looks sweet!




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Now that is going to look amazing. The tailgate fits pretty good right out of the box! :cool:
