Decal on rear window | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Decal on rear window

May 7, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Explorer Sport Trac
Hi all! I was wondering if I could put a decal on my rear window in the middle? It does roll down but I almost never roll it down. If I do, I just use the vent setting. Would it be ok to put a decal on?

Lots of people have and do still roll it all the way down. I think it mostly depends on the quality of the sticker.

A big Georgia G I hope.

Yep it'll be fine, the back window doesn't roll against any tight fitting rails on the outside.

Older picture but it's been on for several years without any issues...


That's great!! I can't wait to get it put it on! It's not a Georgia G though. I have three one for each side and one to go in the middle. I have "Hunt Like A Girl", "Chasin Tail", and "If it's brown it's down". Plus a camo international harvester sign and a mossy oak going in the lower corners on each side.
