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So, do we need this thread anymore?

No we dont. Only for the fact that jackasses turn it into something it never needed to be.

And going back a few pages in my PM inbox, I also remember getting this:

Celly said:
I made it clear to you via PM a few weeks ago that the mods and Rick have specifically asked me to never post in any of your stupid threads

No we dont. Only for the fact that jackasses turn it into something it never needed to be.

And going back a few pages in my PM inbox, I also remember getting this:

So it's ok to laugh at Joe Dirt and other's antic, but not yours?

I didnt say that, some people just take it way to far and get a little too sarcastic.


I just had to view this thread on a real iPad. :D

I just had to view this thread on a real iPad. :D

Instead of beating a dead horse, this thread just needs to die out. (Or be locked)
