scam? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
March 15, 2004
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I was on ebay and saw thia guy selling brand new pioneer avic 2 in dash navigation and dvd payers for 500 bucks ! So I emailed him and asked how he could sell them so cheap. Well he emailed me back and told me he is over seas in england and heres the rest of the email is this a scam oim thinkin it is since he wants me to pay with western union. :First I want to tell you that my unit is brand new ,
all accessories included and also an international warranty.
The invoice will come at the same time with the package.
My buy it now price is the best you could get: 500usd/unit, including the
shipping and insurance taxes. We will pay them because the package
will be delivered from Europe.
As delivery service we use UPS2days air service (with insurance and
15 days return policy), because it's the faster. And if you will have
a quick payment, we must also have a quick delivery. So that's why we
use as a payment method Western Union money transfer, the fastest and
also very secure way of sending money.
So, if you agree with my terms I'm sure
that we can close the deal as soon as possible.
Waiting your quick answer right now, should I keep looking?


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as Cheech and Chong say;
looks like dog ****, smells like dog ****, tastes like dog **** hmmm
Good thing we didn't step in it! :D


i personally would never even consider buying something on ebay that's coming from another country besides the US or canada...

The Western Union should be your clue. If they don't accept PayPal, then it's a scam...

exactly like he said. dont bid on anything where they want western union or money order as payment

I told him I ony used paypal and he said something like I am currently expanding my paypal account so I cant send or recieve money at the moment. I was thinking yeah you cant send or recieve money through them cause your a crook lol
