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Door Latch Mech


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Forsyth GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 XLT 4.6
I got a 98 XLT 4 Door with a bad drivers door latching Mech

In the 6 years that I have this E. I have had to replace the latch once and now it looks like I am on the second. What makes these things go bad. right now the outter door handle will not release the door to open. THe inner handle is starting to have problems. WHich I have seen before the latch will not work at all....A new one is 35 bucks so it is not to bad for me to replace...I just want to know why they go bad and why the drivers door is the only one...


My theory is that it is a poor design by Ford.

The drivers side door is used a lot more than any other door.

I figured both of those were the reasons. :)
