EATC Install, gone wrong at the final stages | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EATC Install, gone wrong at the final stages


December 10, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver, B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT, 2018 XLT
So I'm pretty good with electronics, so I decided to tackle the EATC job, I love the idea, and thought it was a useful mod. I went out and bought everything I needed to get it done.

So i install all the extra sensors and chance over the control motor and all that.

I have all the wires coming to the dash now, and have 100% of them hooked up.

Now heres where it gets complicated.

I started with a 1995 unit, when I realized that the 98 unit was 100x nicer I bought one of those.

I am told that the plugs will not match up, but when I cut the connections and re-soldered them onto the new plugs they were 90% the same...


With the 95 unit I needed 2 relays to get it to work. Now that I have the 98 unit I was under the impression that I could run the unit directly from my truck (97).

I can turn the unit on and off from the interface, but have no fan speed control, and once the unit is on it wont turn off until I click OFF AND TURN OFF THE TRUCK.

Naturally I would think the unit is fubard, but the 95 did the exact same thing so its obviously not the unit.

As a guide I used

I have gone through this so many times, I have no idea any more.

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Is the blower running at max speed all the time when the ignition switch is on?

The blower only runs at max speed when the unit is turned OFF after it has been ON with the truck running.

To try to simplify it


WITH EATC OFF: (before turning the truck on)
start the truck
nothing happens(like it should) no blower going

if I turn the EATC ON (with engine still running) :
Operates like usual but with no fan speed control It just blows at 50% or so

Than I Turn the EATC OFF: (still with the engine running) :
Blower goes full boar but ONLY on the top vents??
(If i turn it back ON after this is operates like usual but with no fan speed control and 50%)


WITH EATC ON:(before previous engine shut down)
Start the truck
Operates like usual but with no fan speed control It just blows at 50% or so

Turn the EATC OFF:(still with the engine running):
Blower goes full boar but ONLY on the top vents??

I was thinking of a failure of the Blower Control Module which usually sends the blower to default at max RPM. Your symptoms sound much different and are probably due to some remaining wiring mismatch between the head unit and the pigtails. You might also investigate whether the vacuum harness is different between the early and late EATC's.

I actually got the new vacuum tubes with the new EATC. I did hook up my RD/OR and PU wires directly do the controller motor, I was informed that they are powerful enough, and they seem to work though

this sounds like I'm going to have to get all the stuff again out of the newer truck...

Would I see a huge difference if I didn't have the white air pipe hooked up to anything? I understand I wouldn't get as thorough of a temp but is that it? It shouldn't be off by lots should it?

Would I see a huge difference if I didn't have the white air pipe hooked up to anything? I understand I wouldn't get as thorough of a temp but is that it? It shouldn't be off by lots should it?
The EATC uses the interior sample tube along with the outdoor temp sensor and sunload sensor to make decisions about flowrate, temp blend and discharge location. Why throw away or confuse 1 of those 3 inputs when it is easy to install?

How did you install your Tubing? Obviously through the passenger side, but what specific location?

The picture in John Griggs's EATC How-to is actually the aspirator tube in my personal Ranger. I joined 2 OE Explorer tubes together using an extra factory elbow and made a hole in the bottom of the plenum as shown in the How-to using a 3/4" hole saw. The routing is exactly as shown, using cable ties to hold it in place.

Yeah thats the walkthrough I used

Is there anyone that owns a 95-97 explorer that has done this mod? What EATC did you use when you did the install? Old Style or New Style?

Did this getfixed? I have a 97 with a 98 head and im haveing a couple of problems. Not like this tho.
