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eatc issues


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December 24, 2013
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fresno, CA
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1999 ford explorer EB
Hello, I have a 1999 ford explorer Eddie Bauer with eatc. I have within the last 6 months replaced the blower motor, blower motor speed controller and the pig tail connecting the 2. It worked for a few months, now I only get air on high fan setting. The air does work in the back on any setting. Any suggestions? Remember all 3 parts have been replaced within the last 6 months.

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No i have eatc, so it has a speed controller instead of the resistor. I have replaced it and made sure all my wiring is correct.

The EATC system has a "Self Test" mode.

To enter self test.

With the engine running press "off" and "floor" at the same time, and release.

Then press "automatic" within 2 seconds.

At the end of the test it will display any error codes.

The system returns codes for sensors only, damper door, sun load, engine temp, etc.

EATC outputs are not tested. The EATC is not capable of "reporting on itself" as faulty. You may get inaccurate reports if EATC module is bad.

To exit test mode press "def" NOTE: always exit test mode before pressing the "off" button or shutting down the engine.

EATC System self test error code list

024 Fault in blend door calibration during self test

025 Intermittent fault in blend door calibration

030 Self test indicates automatic temperature control sensor shorted

031 Self test indicates automatic temperature control sensor open

040 Self test indicates ambient sensor short

041 Self test indicates ambient sensor open

042 Ambient sensor intermittent short

043 Ambient sensor intermittent open

050 Self test indicates sunload sensor short

052 Sunload sensor intermittent short

115 Intermittent engine coolant temperature signal

125 Intermittent vehicle speed signal

888 End of test

OK so that's all great,,, but notice there's no fault code for the fan speed controller.

Kinda leaves us guessing.

But "rumor" has it that if you have no rear fan and high only on the front, the rear fan motor is to blame.

Unfortunately it likely killed the speed controller again.

The rear fan motor may still turn but is drawing to much current overheating the speed controller causing the repeat failure.

Sorry still a bunch of "maybe's" but hope this helps.

I have done the self test with no codes appearing. The rear fan does work on any 3 speeds. So would my problem maybe be a defective speed controller? Is there a way of testing the speed controller before purchasing and installing a new one? Is there a specific brand or a way of avoiding this from happening again? I really appreciate any help.

Good, the self test won't tell you if the speed controllers bad but that at least rules out other issues.

You might be able to find some super tech with the specifics for testing the speed control.

But all indications are that it's gone ca-puts on ya again.

Defective replacement I'm guess'n.

I'd get the Motor Craft replacement.

Or Junk yard to get an original.

Kinda sucks that their $100.00 but they are likely a pretty common replacement.

Anywhere you are exchanging heat to dissipate current is going to be a common failure point.

That's why the big heat sink on it.

Maybe an upgrade to the heat sink is available.

Consider replacing both the fan motors, they may be drawing to much current in their old age.

In any case I think you just got a bad part, a replacement should last a few years at least.
