ECT sensor/ Autozone scan says something else | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ECT sensor/ Autozone scan says something else


Well-Known Member
July 20, 2009
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1998 Explorer V6 SOHC
I've had an on/off check engine light for months now -- mostly off recently.

I just brought this thing in because it didn't start . . .

It turns out it was a fuel sensor. But while diagnosing they found an ECT sensor code which i'm guessing was in there from all the previous check engine activity.

For the longest, I thought my code was an o2 sensor/rich condition p0156. At least that's what it kept coming up as when I got a scan from autozone. Is the autozone scan thing BS? I think I want to do the ECT sensor myself. is this doable without a lift/where is the sensor?

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This chart is one of the links in # 25 in my list of useful threads:

could it be the thermostat? Where is the needle supposed to be on the heat gauge?

Mine never points straight up. It's always about a 1/4 inch on the colder side if straight up is where it's supposed to be. Could that themostat be stuck open causing rich running condition? I don't know how to use the chart btw/don't know how to measure engine temp/hate using ohm meters/never seem to get accurate readings/don't ahve much experience with them.

I don't know the name of the fuel sensor/where it is/I can't remember; but the truck didn't have spark. I bet it's not related. They found both by checking codes

I'm pretty sure it's either the etc sensor or the thermostat. It seems to use up a lot of gas; i've noticed gas coming out of the pipe a lot; coolant seems to always be low. It has to be that thermo either leaking or stuck/not warming the car up enough and causing rich running. no? The temperature gauge never goes all the way to the middle.
