Engien starts almost dies..getting worse | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engien starts almost dies..getting worse


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
McCreary County,KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT 4.0/99 XLT 4.0
I use to just have to trun the key and let it set in the "on" position for a min and then try to start other wise it would cracnk for awhile befor starting. It would also sometimes satrt and almost die only to come back to a perfect idel. If i where to satrt and place into gear quickly then it would die. This was only sometimes. I noticed today that when i was ideling i reved it and it almost died then ideld then almost died then back to idel. It would hold an idel only to repeat the process if i rev it agin. What is this?

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check the MAF and IAC, you can test by unplugging the electrical connector. if the engine should bog down/stall when you unplug them. if it does not change idle or runs better, this is the faulty part. also when was the fuel filter changed? couple small ideas you could try, good luck

The part about the key being on for a while befor starting I would relate to a clogged fuel filter......make sure its not clogged because that will lead to premature failure of your fuel pump because of the extra work it has to do in order to push the fuel past the clog

:)thumbsup: got it guys..ill replace the fule filter and check the electrical connections. You guys are life savers.

during last winter i had to turn the key on and off 3-4 times so it would start on the 2nd or 3rd crank, so fuel filter is probably clogged.
