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Engine codes


Explorer Addict
August 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Downers Grove, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'14 Focus ST
Finally had my code scanner on me when my CEL came on the last couple days and got different codes - 182 and 176 i think something about the MAF and Bank #1 running Lean. Any thoughts on fixes?

Also after its been warmed up for a bit and i get on it something rattles from the engine doesn't happen at any particular RPM but its always in the 2-3k range but it happens at different RPMs in different gears - first gear there is nothing, 2nd its lower 2000s and 3rd its higher 2000s.

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Lean codes can be among the most difficult to diagnose.

Did you only perform the KOEO test, or did you also perform the KOER test? Because those are the only codes listed, can I assume it passed the KOEO test?

If you haven't yet, I would go on to the KOER test. KOER codes represent hard faults which can be easier to diagnose than CM codes.

A few of the first things to check would be to check for vacuum leaks/air intake leaks. Maybe check fuel pressure.

The rattleing might be your timing chain. But also check for any vaccum problems.

Some Ideas.

I was having a similar problem on my 94 EX. I think I finally got it right.

First fix all your vacuum leaks. (Tranny modulator?)

I replaced alot of parts along the way with no success untill I installed an Air/Fuel gauge and did the Throttle Cable mod.

I have not thrown a code in 2500+K miles. :)

176 (M) Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean Left or Front HO2S - Fuel control

182 (M) Fuel system was rich at idle Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control

Good luck!

I have been fighting with similar codes for 4 years. They are a b*tch to solve.

Well now last night i went to go drive it and all of a sudden if i give it gas it dies unless i punch it then it'll take off


Fixed MAF was extremely dirty.

Another code problem, 214 - Cylinder Identification Sensor - circuit failure.

I'm clueless, is this a serious problem?

Is this on your '94 or '92? CM 214 indicates that at some point in the recent past, the computer lost the Cylinder IDentification (CID) signal, which it uses for ignition and/or fuel injector timing. Under the right circumstances, a lost CID can strand you somewhere. Diagnosis depends on whether it's a '92 or '94.

Probably the first step in either case will be to determine if the fault is consistent at all. Clear CM, test drive, and run the KOEO test to see if the CM 214 comes right back or not.

Its on the 94, i don't even need to test drive it, everytime i clear it and start it by the time the revs settle down the CEL is back on. And the KOEO test never gives me any codes.

I'm not real familiar with this part of the '94 system. I'm pretty sure that CID is generated by the Camshaft Position sensor (CAMP) and transmitted to the PCM. Since you've already determined that the fault is consistent, the next thing I'd do is check the wiring between the CAMP and the PCM to make sure nothing has come unplugged or similar. Then check the CAMP signal.

I know this code has come up before on others '94's. Have you ran this one through the site's search engine?

I would check the cat converter to see if that is rattling internally,if it is it needs to be replaced,the lean condition could be the o2 sensor,or the maf sensor,or a vacum leak,injector,hard to say without scanning it and looking at the values of the pids,I would start with tracing down the rattle..

I would check the cat converter to see if that is rattling internally,if it is it needs to be replaced,the lean condition could be the o2 sensor,or the maf sensor,or a vacum leak,injector,hard to say without scanning it and looking at the values of the pids,I would start with tracing down the rattle..

Yeah we figured it's the inside of the cat, just gunna delete my cats, since i don't need them.
