Engine Knocking (with video) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine Knocking (with video)


New Member
February 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Greenville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT
Just recently has my car started clicking and I am pretty sure I have narrowed that down to be the a problem or a leak with the Cat. However, I was driving home today and my engine started "knocking". The knocking got louder as I would excellerate and I could kind of feel it in the gas pedal. The knocking got a little quieter when I was going about 55-60 mph on the way home. I made a video of the knocking and posted it on youtube please take a look at it. I do not know much about engines nor do I really have the money seeing i'm a college student to take it to a mechanic so any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!



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I forgot to add one thing. The knocking sound does not get really fast as I accelerate it seems to stay the same speed as I accelerate if I remember correctly. I don't really want to take it back out to find out...

That could be a lot of things, but you can take a few feet of hose, stick one end on your ear and use the other to try different parts to narrow down the sound. Are sure it doesn't get faster with higher RPMs? Could be something like an idler pulley gone bad, water pump, or timing chain tensioner, but even those should get a little faster with higher RPMs. Oh, another is the A/C compressor, make sure it's off and listen again.

I started the car up again and reved up the engine and the knocking did get faster as the rpm's went up. Anyone have an idea?!?!

Does it miss? sounds like a blown or loose spark plug.

Does it miss? sounds like a blown or loose spark plug.

Would that sound like something is knocking on the inside of my engine?
