Ever hear of gold trim around tail lights ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ever hear of gold trim around tail lights ?

July 25, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Allentown , Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 AWD Limited
I did a search didnt find anything , anyway , I inherited a 2000 White Pearl 5.0 awd Limited . I had to replace one of the tail lights . The original tail lights have a gold trim around them and the dealer says the lights are all the same for all models . I dont think this was a dealer installed option . Anyone ever hear or see lights with the gold trim ?

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I have never heard of that, or seen it on an explorer. Do you have a picture of what it looks like?

I've heard of things like that but I don't think it was standard issue. Probably something that was installed later. What does the gold trim on it look like? Is it just glued around it or is it molded into it?


I replaced a tail light with one from NAPA about four years ago - just noticed a few weeks ago that it has gold trim, and the other (stock) tail light has black trim.

The trim outlines the upper and lower parts of the tail light lens. You dont really even notice it except when you replace it. I looked on ebay and nothing , just the after market clear ones . No pics but if you have lenses like Im talking about you know excactly what I mean.
