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Exhaust question

My friend took the cats completely off his 2000, but we don't have emissions here in Florida, and he has a Flowmaster 40 series, it sounds like he has a big block in that thing, it scoots along pretty good.

I had a local muffler place replce my muffler with a Flowmaster 50 series and 2-1/4" out with a chrome tip exitting at a 45 degree out the passenger side, that and my KKM made a big difference. I have pics posted on my web page.

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Originally posted by addkev
My friend took the cats completely off his 2000, but we don't have emissions here in Florida.

Removal of the cats here in Florida is against the law; advise your friend.

Yeah, he knows, but compare that to the guys running straight headers out of their chevy big blocks. And half of the guys we hang out with are local sheriffs and cops. And they have never said anything other than , can we ride in it.

Originally posted by addkev
My friend took the cats completely off his 2000, but we don't have emissions here in Florida, and he has a Flowmaster 40 series, it sounds like he has a big block in that thing, it scoots along pretty good.

I did the same thing on my Mustang and it sounds and runs great. I ordered a bolt in H-Pipe and installed it myself. The problem with my Explorer is that since they are welded in, I need a shop to cut them out and weld in some pipe. Since its "illegal" no shop around here will touch it. Did he take it to a shop? If so, PM me with the name of the shop because Pensacola isnt far away.

ive never seen an explorer with welded in cats. all the ones ive seen are on a straight pipe that bolts off.

Originally posted by mikeresin

i think im going to get rid of my non-delta 40 series. i found a better muffler.
the dynomax ultraflow muffler. has twice the cfms.
wich means twice as loud.

Nope... It means it flows twice the volume of gas. Ultra Flows, for a straight through muffler, are REAL quiet. On my Talons, the Super Turbo was actually louder than the Ultra Flow, dependant on the model. Dollars to donuts says that the 40 series Flows are louder. Ultra Flows make a nice, mellow grumble, as compared to the loud raspiness of 40 series.

Since its "illegal" no shop around here will touch it. Did he take it to a shop?

Yeah, he had it done at a local shop. I will email you and tell you the name. You have to get Cat similators which plug into the O2 sensors, from Casper electronics, which will tell your computer that your cats are still there and working properly, but I think those are $60 approx. You have a better chance of cutting them out yourself then just going in and asking for them to weld in straight pipe, they are less liable that way. But we know the guy and he does good work.
