exhaust reccomendations | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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exhaust reccomendations


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January 23, 2001
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'98 Sport
I was wondering if someone could reccomend a reasonably priced exhaust system, which would increase my hp and mpg, for a 98 ford explorer sport V6 ohv.

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Originally posted by MHanrahan
I was wondering if someone could reccomend a reasonably priced exhaust system, which would increase my hp and mpg, for a 98 ford explorer sport V6 ohv.

I strongly recommend a custom installation. Chexk with your local exhaust shop.

I would recommend searching the forum for "exhaust" and be surround with a lot of questions just like yours with many answers. :)

Originally posted by MHanrahan
I was wondering if someone could reccomend a reasonably priced exhaust system, which would increase my hp and mpg, for a 98 ford explorer sport V6 ohv.
I'm happy with my Dynomax cat-back exhaust especially for the price and performance. I got it from http://www.a-1performance.com

[Edited by config on 02-10-2001 at 08:15 AM]

If I get a custom system, what are some of the things I should be asking for?

Originally posted by MHanrahan
If I get a custom system, what are some of the things I should be asking for?

Good question. You should be sure that the shop knows custom cat back systems. They will design it for you giving you a good flowing muffler as well as as large a tail pipe as will work with the system/motor.

You said that you had a V^; therefore I think 2 1/2" pipe is as large as you should go. Find an exhaust shop that you trust and let them advise you what is best for your application.

Good luck...
