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Explorer delays


6/7 blend date
released from michign 7/27
Arrived Dorautram NJ this morning.
for some reason there's a week lag in the ETA to get from the rail yard 20 miles to the dealer (ETA is 8/17 - 8/23).

But even the end date gives me a week lag till my extension is up.

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6/7 blend date
released from michign 7/27
Arrived Dorautram NJ this morning.
for some reason there's a week lag in the ETA to get from the rail yard 20 miles to the dealer (ETA is 8/17 - 8/23).

But even the end date gives me a week lag till my extension is up.

Good to see we are getting updates and movement again!


6/7 blend date
released from michign 7/27
Arrived Dorautram NJ this morning.
for some reason there's a week lag in the ETA to get from the rail yard 20 miles to the dealer (ETA is 8/17 - 8/23).

But even the end date gives me a week lag till my extension is up.
Good to see we are getting updates and movement again!

I should mention that this is subject to the recall... and the recall notice indicates it is not complete... so it certainly looks like they intend for the dealer to handle that end of it.

Anyone else see any progress in the last few days?

Anyone else see any progress in the last few days?

No progress for my Silver Spruce Platinum. Status has been stuck "In Production" since June 25.

Mine has been in production since 6/28

My ST has been "In Production" since 6/18. Hopefully with FIFO clearing of the hold mine will be soon! I saw a post somewhere in this forum where one that was built on 7/17 showed up at a dealer. Mine was physically built on 7/16 so crossing fingers here.

My ST has been "In Production" since 6/18. Hopefully with FIFO clearing of the hold mine will be soon! I saw a post somewhere in this forum where one that was built on 7/17 showed up at a dealer. Mine was physically built on 7/16 so crossing fingers here.
Hi, inquiring minds want to know...How were you able to verify your vehicle was physically built on 7/16? I've ben in terminal "production" mode status myself for many weeks.

Hi, inquiring minds want to know...How were you able to verify your vehicle was physically built on 7/16? I've ben in terminal "production" mode status myself for many weeks.
I was told when the date appeared for the “In Production” status that the vehicle had been produced and the secondary status was then “sent out of plant”.

Thanks.... was that from your dealership or a personal contact?


6/7 blend date
released from michign 7/27
Arrived Dorautram NJ this morning.
for some reason there's a week lag in the ETA to get from the rail yard 20 miles to the dealer (ETA is 8/17 - 8/23).

But even the end date gives me a week lag till my extension is up.

I should mention that this is subject to the recall... and the recall notice indicates it is not complete... so it certainly looks like they intend for the dealer to handle that end of it.
Supposedly on truck for delivery tomorrow... picking up Thursday . Just sharing to give hope that things are starting to move...

Supposedly on truck for delivery tomorrow... picking up Thursday . Just sharing to give hope that things are starting to move...
Woo Hoo. I am in NW New Jersey waiting for one too. Was told it would be here this week, still no date set though.

Supposedly on truck for delivery tomorrow... picking up Thursday . Just sharing to give hope that things are starting to move...

has the status on order tracking updated? or did you get this from the dealer

has the status on order tracking updated? or did you get this from the dealer

From the dealer... the latest was it was waiting to transfer from train to truck on Friday... today they called and said it was loaded and scheduled to be delivered this afternoon. I cant pick it up until Thursday so that gives them time to do the recall and prep. He said “they were loaded on the truck” so I took it as a slip that there is more than one explorer for them on the truck... which is good news for the other person waiting in NW Nj.

From the dealer... the latest was it was waiting to transfer from train to truck on Friday... today they called and said it was loaded and scheduled to be delivered this afternoon. I cant pick it up until Thursday so that gives them time to do the recall and prep. He said “they were loaded on the truck” so I took it as a slip that there is more than one explorer for them on the truck... which is good news for the other person waiting in NW Nj.

Do you know when the last status update was in the order tracking system for your vehicle?

This was the most recent update the dealer emailed me (Friday) no idea if today’s update was from the ford system or a notification from the trucking company.

Hope that helps...


From the dealer... the latest was it was waiting to transfer from train to truck on Friday... today they called and said it was loaded and scheduled to be delivered this afternoon. I cant pick it up until Thursday so that gives them time to do the recall and prep. He said “they were loaded on the truck” so I took it as a slip that there is more than one explorer for them on the truck... which is good news for the other person waiting in NW Nj.

lets hope they send one over the bridge into westchester, and its mine!

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