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Explorer/Mountaineer rear windows


July 22, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mountaineer
Both the wife's Explorer and my Mountaineer, 2006 models have the same problem, sticking rear windows, won't roll down. After having the wifes checked under warranty, they started doing it again after a couple of months. I asked the dealer about it and they said to spray the window channels with wet sylicone spray. I freed up both vehicles rear windows so they would operate and sprayed the channels, we'll see how this works out. Anyone else had this problem and found a fix?

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I have noticed this on the driver side rear window..but after hitting the switch a couple times it goes down, never put much thought into it though. Let me know how that spray works for you. Are you using like a tire shine spray?

I will post an update after I have had a chance to see if this works. I am using an actual silicone spray, not a dry spray, one that actually leaves a slick film. Neither of ours worked, I had to push the switch and hit the interior trim panel at the same time and they started working. Could also be an internal lube problem with the tracks and mechanism.

I had them replace 2 motors in my rear drivers side...

The wifes motors were "replaced" as well according to the work ticket. She told me this morning they are not working...again. Sounds like I need to look more at the mechanisms.

Rear windows

I had a similar problem on my 06 ex a while back. The Driver-side rear window would not go down when you pressed on the button. It was intermittent and would only pop-up about one a month. I brought it to the dealer (when it was under warranty, and he told me that there has been an issue with the window motor getting dead-spots in it causing the problem. They replaced the motor and the problem has not returned in over 2 years.

Hate to dig up old threads but I'm having this problem on my '06 and looked to see if anyone else was having this problem.

My friend and I were having a tech discussion about our Trabant 601s (yeah really) tonight on the phone and he is a mechanic at a Ford dealership and asked if he knew anything about this.

My problem:

Driver's side rear window sometimes won't roll down. Sometimes it will. Luckilly when it does, it will roll back up. All other windows work fine.

He told me these was a tech bulletin about this and Ford issued a repair which was a piece of rubber piping that fits up in the window channel at the top. He said the problem was the window can go up too far and cause the regulator to go past it's stopping point which puts the motor in a bind or something.

I asked him how to get the window to roll down, if I should grap the window on both sides and pull down as someone is pushes the button but he didn't recommend it.

He said to bang on the inside and outside of the door with my fist to get the window to roll down. Or catch it when it will roll down and shove a piece of rubber vacuum tubing up in the channel to limit the window from going all the way up.

Otherwise you'll have to take the regulator out.

Anyone ever heard of this fix?

I have not had this problem, and had no report about it from the previous owner.

My Mazda3, on the other hand, does stick when it's hot outside, and the windows haven't been moved in 2-3 days. From the black witness marks on the glass, I would think a very small amound of lubricant in the channels would help...but I haven't tried it.

My driver side rear window does that regularly and I discovered it to be a problem with the switch on the driver window controls since I can get it to go down if I fiddle with the drivers switch that controls it. I thought that it was the window getting wedged/stuck at first, but after tracing the wiring and pulling the door cover to get a look at the window that is what I have settled on as being the culprit. However, the ford technician fix does make perfect sense in that it does sound like the window is seating inside the window frame way too much when you listen to it close.

2003 Explorer Rear Windows

My 2003 Explorer rear windows are also stuck in the up or closed position. Neither of the rear switches work and the driver controls also do not open the windows. This problem started several years ago, but since moving to Arizona, I did really use the rear windows. Now that I want to sell the vehicle, I want to try to fix the windows. I also heard of a service bulletin from several years ago that had been issued from Ford, but have not been able to locate it. Has anyone actually seen a bulletin for this window fix?

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