Extreme shutter after steering rack installed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Extreme shutter after steering rack installed


October 22, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Lex, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 eb
I just replaced the rack in my 1995 EB Ford Explorer. I filled the steering reservoir and started the engine. The car is still up on jack stands. With a helper slowly turning the wheel I kept filling. At this point it took less than a quart.
When the wheel is turned you can feel it is very jumpy. If you turn the wheel fast the wheel violently shakes bake and forth, almost shaking the entire car. This would not stop so I quickly shut off the engine.

I checked the lines are connected to the correct placed on the rack.
What could be wrong?

I was just about to remove the return line from the steering radiater to flush the system.
Should I do this next or is something really wrong?

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Its just air in the system- when you had your helper turn the wheel, you introduced lots of air into it. Put the truck on the ground, remove the cap, turn the wheel back and forth almost lock to lock. That should get the air out.

MountainGreen, thanks for the quick advice. I hope it is just air!
I have done what you suggested abount 20 times, except it is not on the ground. Will that make a difference?
The shaking does not stop, I have to turn the engine off. Is this also normal behavior?


From what I understand it's up in the air, so the wheels dont' have any pressure against them? I would think maybe on the ground, and the grip of the tires on the pavement may make the system work "harder" to turn, bringing out the air. Just a hypothesis though.

if you are sure that the lines are on right like mountaineergreen stated then its just air. It take a while for it to get out. Put it down off jack stands and turn it back and forth leaving the cap off. You might see alot of bulbbles. Thats all air. Keep working on it it will get out. Even take it for a short easy local ride and keep turning it back and forth it will get out. Seen it alot of times. SOmetimes i would think that they should add a bleeder for it but i guess they dont want to take a chance for that bleeder to fail and cause any accidents.

keep us posted.

The lines should look like this on the rack-


  • rack 004 (Small).jpg
    rack 004 (Small).jpg
    46.5 KB · Views: 481

Awsome picture, the lower left (when facing the rack) is the pressure line.
I double checked and the lines are on correct.

It was just air. After I lowered it and made more turns, the rest of air was forced out just like many of you suggested. I also took it for a 5 mile drive and it is performing well.
When I got back there was a little fluid dripping below the driver side mounting bracket. Very small amount that did not even reach the bottom of the frame. It could have been from installing or filling it. I'll keep an eye on this and report back if it continues.

I want to flush the system to make sure there are no metal shavings or junk in the system. Do I remove the return line at the pump or remove it below?

Thanks everyone for the great help!

everytime i do an oil change, i get the hose out and give everything a good pressure spray (firehose attachment) to wash all the dirt/grime off. that way you can tell what's fresh and what's not.
