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Favorite Car/Truck magazine?

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I like autoweek, only b/c it comes once a week.

I like several:

I have been a reader of Motor Trend, Car Craft Car and Driiver and Hot Rod since the 60's and more recently I like Truckin' and SUV.

I subscribe to Hot Rod, Motor Trend, and Mustang and Fords. I pick up an issue of either Fourwheeler or Petersen's 4Wheel & Off-Road every month, depending which one looks more interesting, and I get Car Craft when I can find it. However, I'm thinking of letting my MT lapse, since stockers no longer interest me.

Hmm. What magazines do I get? Petersen's 4 Wheel & Off-Road, Four Wheeler, 4 Wheel Parts Off-Road Adventures, and duPont Registry. I gotta say, my favorite is the dePont Registry. But the best 4 wheeling mag is Four Wheeler.

Whenever I'm in an airport, I always get Automobile or something like that. Those things are cool to read once in a while. And I like looking at the funny pictures in the letters section of Car & Driver, but I don't usually buy them.

Superstreet , Fourwheeler.:D

Car and Driver. John Phillips is one of the best writers in any automotive mag, IMHO.



Peterson's 4 wheel and off road, 4 Wheeler, Off-road magazine, and car and driver.

That magazine that has all the cars in it.
