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July 24, 2011
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Shelton, CT
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2013 Limited(lemon swap)
....a fingerprint on it? Should I complain about it?


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i would....but does it actually affect the output of your lights? highly unlikely. chances are that's what the dealership will tell you. but it's definitely worth a shot. i know i wouldn't like it.....option 2 if the dealership doesn't do it for you is to do it yourself....remove your light housing and bake the headlight in order to seperate the sealant, then wipe off the fingerprint, then put it back together.....

I don't want to deal with that. I might as well retrofit better projectors in if I'm gonna do that.

Performance of the hids is poor, not at all impressed with them compared to my previous cars.

I don't want to deal with that. I might as well retrofit better projectors in if I'm gonna do that.

Performance of the hids is poor, not at all impressed with them compared to my previous cars.

its all about style not function,

mine too

I just checked mine. Same print on pass side. Who they hell puts these bulbs in. Your supposed to wear gloves to put them in. I'm getting more pissed with ford every day.

That's a whole different story. I'd take that back and have them replace it. Unacceptable quality control.

I agree, 3 1/2 years later I would take it back.

I agree, 3 1/2 years later I would take it back.

I agree, but believe that most dealers would find some excuse to avoid replacing it.

On a relative note, I've baked and modified about six sets of headlights to date--three sets being my own. And when taking everything apart, I have noticed that on at least five out of the six sets had fingerprints on at least one of the two the lenses. At first (while doing my first set), I thought I was clumsy and left the print. But since I always use gloves, this would be impossible. I've even noticed fingerprints on the chrome accent rings and on the chrome signal reflectors too!

So if you are going to buy a new set of headlights, I would be cautious and keep your expectations low. Fortunately, after opening each set, I was able to thoroughly clean the lenses and other parts with alcohol while working in a low dust/dust-free environment and keeping a can of compressed air close by, before reassembly.

It is what it is.
