Flowmaster dual inlet single outlet no cats???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Flowmaster dual inlet single outlet no cats????


Well-Known Member
April 12, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport
Hey ya'll I want to do something with my exhaust. I was think of running no cats 2.25 in piping to a 40 series flowmaster and exit with single 2.25 in pipe... putting o2 sensors in the same spots.. do ya'll think there would be enough back pressure??? I feel the stock exhaust has alot of restriction. Would it be worth it or I'm i wasting my time.

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Moved out of the For Sale forum...

It would be illegal for starters.

My future children and I would appriciate it if you left your cats on.

The V6 needs backpressure to produce its low end torque. Without the backpressure, you have no torque, which means you'll rev to 6k every time to accelerate(overexagerated)

Yeah I figured it needed backpressure. oh I for got to mention this isn't my day driver, I did a sas and I got 36in. tires I just use it to go muddin in. Thanks guys

I Am Todd.....

.....a car doesn't even emit that much carbon into the air anyway. The only reason we have emissions is to please the tree huggers.

When Mt. St. Helens was spewing out stuff a little while ago, it was estimated that it would take every car on the roads right now to drive for five years befor the carbon would even come close to matching what St. Helens did in one day. And that is all of the cars combined, not just one.

Of course this was an estimate, so give or take a year.

FHBasketball said:
When Mt. St. Helens was spewing out stuff a little while ago, it was estimated that it would take every car on the roads right now to drive for five years befor the carbon would even come close to matching what St. Helens did in one day. And that is all of the cars combined, not just one.

Of course this was an estimate, so give or take a year.

yeah but you cant put a catalytic converter on a volcano.

You dont have to be a tree hugger to want to protect the enviroment.

i stand somewhere inbetween on this stance...yea i know we're getting off topic but this is a valid question. i agree with fhbasketball and i wanted to say something to iamtodd but i didnt have any facts. yes it pollutes the environment more but is it really that much more? (this isnt a rhetorical question, im really wondering) i myself drive a 77 corvette without cats and im sure that there are many other people with classic cars without cats that still drive them. thats not illegal. also, many places dont even do emissions testing. i really dunno what im talking about...just thought id share my opinion. oh yea, my opinion. i'd leave the cats on if it came with em...unless youre doing some crazy full header custom exhaust system where it wouldnt be convenient to have them. oh and just for the record im no tree hugger but i love being outside and in the woods.

think of this...if everyone thinks that way then we have millions upon millions of people thinking that their one car without cats isnt doing damage...that then equals pollution. Thats not tree hugging, its common sense. The cats are on there for a reason, and removing them does absolutely nothing worth doing to our trucks. You gotta weigh your benefits vs. costs... Just leave them on and call it a day.

If my truck was off road only I would remove my primary cats.

You likely have more then one cat on your truck right now, a pre heater, resonator, and a cat. You can remove the other crap, still get good flow with a stock cat, and run a single exhaust back.

the OHV 4.0L runs great with a single 2.25" exhaust after the Y pipe, single cat, single muffler.

Also I find it funny that nobody ever mentions the impact used cats have on the environment, when they get old & replaced , or the car gets crushed, or whatever where do you think the old cats go? Which is worse tailpipe emissions or bury the stuff in the ground?

I think we need emissions, hell yes we do, leave the cats on to keep it street legal, tehy dont hurt anything if they/it are/is working properly.

410Fortune said:
Also I find it funny that nobody ever mentions the impact used cats have on the environment, when they get old & replaced , or the car gets crushed, or whatever where do you think the old cats go? Which is worse tailpipe emissions or bury the stuff in the ground?

I think we need emissions, hell yes we do, leave the cats on to keep it street legal, tehy dont hurt anything if they/it are/is working properly.
Actually most used cats are re-cycled for the palladium and platinum they contain.
Even if they end up in the landfill what they are made of is pretty inert

Don't catalytic converter's basically change the carbon monoxide into sulfur dioxide? Seems it really just changes the pollutant from one form to another?

Before anyone gets on their soap box...remember we are all driving SUVs :p
