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Flywheel damaged


May 13, 2006
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Hello guys I hope you’re doing fine,
I have a ford explorer 1995 stock, with automatic transmission.
I wondering is somebody has a flywheel replacement diagram that can send me to my email or post it here.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot guys.


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What are you needing to do? What makes you think you have a damaged flexplate? (flexplate not flywheel on autos)
With the tranny out its just 8 or 6 torx bolts. If you have air tools they will shock off no problem but if you're using hand tools you will have to lock off the front of the crank or bolt a chain to one of the torque converter holes and one of the holes for the tranny bolts. This will stop the engine turning while you undo. I believe i've seen a pic of this setup posted by streetrod in one of his threads

Removing flex plat bolts

This worked well for me to loosen and then remove the bolts fastening the flexplate to the crankshaft.

I believe some of the earlier OHV V6 engines had 6 bolts instead of the 8 in my SOHC V6.

If the engine is still in the vehicle then like janolsson posted you can attach a breaker bar to the crankshaft damper to keep the crankshaft from turning.

A year ago the flexplate and the spacer was replaced, the guy who did it did it wrong, he modified the starter motor in order to start the engine.
During almost one year the car was working good, 3 days ago the car was not starting again, I pulled the starter out and found something was wrong with the starter,
I purchased a brand new Motorcraft starter, and there is no way
to start the engine due the Bendix is not even touching the flexplate so the only idea I have is that something is missing inside.
Thats why I am looking for a parts diagram or something like that, to check if a part is missing or if the parts are not in the correct position.

Thanks a lot !!!!

How was the starter modified? Do you have the old one, if so post a picture.
What do you think he did wrong with the flex plate? I don't think you can put it in wrong. What does it do when you try and start it with the new starter?


Flexplate and spacer

A flexplate is significantly thinner than a flywheel because the torque converter provides a spinning mass. There is a spacer that fits between the flexplate and the crankshaft end to make up for the difference in thickness. The photo below shows a flexplate with the spacer.

It may be possible to assemble the engine to the transmission with the spacer on the transmission side of the flexplate instead of the engine side. The flexplate is not very thick and would distort toward the torque converter when the torque converter to flexplate nuts were tightened. The result would be that the ring gear is aft of normal position and the starter gear would not fully engage the ring gear.

If that is the situation then the starter could have been modified to reach farther aft. This would have been a kluge to accomodate a blunder. My suggestion (if this is the situation) is to correct the source of the problem. That requires pulling the transmission, replacing the flexplate which is now permanently distorted, and reassemble in the correct order.

2000StreetRod that sounds to me, the guy broke the old starter case in order to fit into the flexplate, so the correct position is the one in the picture?
when you dismount the transmission your are not able to see the spacer right?

Correct position

. . . so the correct position is the one in the picture?
when you dismount the transmission your are not able to see the spacer right?

That is correct. The photo shows the engine side facing up.

Another more likely possibility is that the engine was assembled without the spacer resulting in the ring gear being too far forward. It then might be possible to insert spacers in the starter motor mount to get the starter to engage the ring gear.

Here is a picture CJ took while he had his starter off.
You can get a good idea of distances and depth from this shot.
If you cant tell if its on right, take a picture and post it. One of
us should be able to tell for sure.


I just cant believe it could be put on wrong. Even if you could bolt it up to the crank, I don't see how you could get the torque converter to bolt to the flex plate.


Me too bob!!! I will be posting photos about it.
