fml airbags deployed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fml airbags deployed


November 9, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tomsriver NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
01' Sport
so today im driving, its raining a lot and its pretty slippery out, i get to a stop light and the lady in front of me is starting to go let off her brakes so im rolling still because im just approaching it, she then goes a little bit and i realize she has her brakes lit again , im pretty sure she stopped short.but i started sliding after applying my brakes, and hit her pretty good, i have no damage at all basically just some scratches and it looks like my tow hooks (the stock ones up front) dug into her bumper and cracked it pretty good and she went and barely touched the car in front of her, my main question is i have no damage like at all and my airbags deployed. is my car totaled if they deploy thats what ive been hearing.

- some info would be appreciated, Thanks - Alex

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so today im driving, its raining a lot and its pretty slippery out, i get to a stop light and the lady in front of me is starting to go let off her brakes so im rolling still because im just approaching it, she then goes a little bit and i realize she has her brakes lit again , im pretty sure she stopped short.but i started sliding after applying my brakes, and hit her pretty good, i have no damage at all basically just some scratches and it looks like my tow hooks (the stock ones up front) dug into her bumper and cracked it pretty good and she went and barely touched the car in front of her, my main question is i have no damage like at all and my airbags deployed. is my car totaled if they deploy thats what ive been hearing.

- some info would be appreciated, Thanks - Alex

If the airbags deployed, your truck is not an automatic total. Take it to a body shop for an estimate. If the worst thing they find is the airbags, go to and get a set out of a junker.

if all that's wrong is the air bags deployed, I would just report that there wasn't any damage done to your vehicle and replace the airbags on your own. Make sure there isn't anything else wrong with it before you do that route, you'll also need to replace the sensor on the bumper.

Right- how would they know if you didn't just deploy them by mistake in your garage when wiring something- it can't be an automatic total... ;)

i have a passenger air bag i can sell you its from a 2000 xlt 4 door
