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Ford Can't Fix This!


Elite Explorer
March 17, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 XLT Tri-Coat
Well, at least so far. Someone here might have some enlightment but so far, ABS 1, Ford 0.

After a year of ownership my ABS light came on. Just came on one day, ironically while driving to the dealership for an oil change/tire rotation. They looked, said it was some restraining belt under the passenger seat, ordered the part and put it in a week later.

That lasted 24 hrs and the light returned.

Then I began having issues where it would be on sometimes, off others, no pattern and trust me, I'm trained to look for patterns. There was nothing.

Finally, it was decided to change out the abs computer, which was done a while back. The light went out! Stayed out for ten days then re-appeared. It then stayed on for a month and now, it is on most mornings but occasionally goes out for a while, then comes back on. I've taken pictures each time I drive the car for the last 30.

Anyone experience any issues like this? Anyone have a number at Ford I can use to talk to someone? I'm under warranty, I have the extended maintenance. I need to get a loaner and drop this off to a different dealership!

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Well, at least so far. Someone here might have some enlightment but so far, ABS 1, Ford 0.

After a year of ownership my ABS light came on. Just came on one day, ironically while driving to the dealership for an oil change/tire rotation. They looked, said it was some restraining belt under the passenger seat, ordered the part and put it in a week later.

That lasted 24 hrs and the light returned.

Then I began having issues where it would be on sometimes, off others, no pattern and trust me, I'm trained to look for patterns. There was nothing.

Finally, it was decided to change out the abs computer, which was done a while back. The light went out! Stayed out for ten days then re-appeared. It then stayed on for a month and now, it is on most mornings but occasionally goes out for a while, then comes back on. I've taken pictures each time I drive the car for the last 30.

Anyone experience any issues like this? Anyone have a number at Ford I can use to talk to someone? I'm under warranty, I have the extended maintenance. I need to get a loaner and drop this off to a different dealership!
I don't know if changing dealers will help. Sometimes these problems can be difficult to track down especially since the Ex has so much onboard electronics.
I would suggest sending a PM to Cory and Gina at FordCustSrvc to see if they can escalate this through you local customer service manager. They will need your contact information (including your full name, approximate mileage, best daytime phone number, VIN, and dealer name/state).


...After a year of ownership my ABS light came on...

I can arrange a follow-up call from Cassidy; I have your VIN from before, so please drop a line via PM if you want me to set that up.

...I would suggest sending a PM to Cory and Gina at FordCustSrvc...
Thanks a bunch for the shout-out, Peter. :)



Thank you for the follow-up. I received a call from Cassidy last week relative to this issue and also an email. I will likely call her shortly but I have emailed her back at the address she used to email me, twice, and have not heard back from her.

The biggest problem I have with this is that some times the light does in fact go off and in fact has now been off for four days straight. There seems to be no reason for this. I've watched for temp, driving patterns, bumps, etc, etc to no avail.


Thank you for the follow-up. I received a call from Cassidy last week relative to this issue and also an email. I will likely call her shortly but I have emailed her back at the address she used to email me, twice, and have not heard back from her.

The biggest problem I have with this is that some times the light does in fact go off and in fact has now been off for four days straight. There seems to be no reason for this. I've watched for temp, driving patterns, bumps, etc, etc to no avail.
I'm convinced that most of the Explorers are 'possessed' to some degree. I have had mibe since March 2011 and a couple of times when starting it up the radio blasts at me. I still have the intermittant windshield wipe despite have the TSB done a year ago. The other day I was parked facing a large store window and when I started the Ex, the parking lights and then the head lights flashed ON and OFF. Normally the parking lights (DRL) only come on when I put the vehicle in gear.
A day later, when I started it up, the radio was OFF. This also has happened a couple of times. I never manually turn it off when getting out. Most of the time it is very well behaved but every now and then........



Thank you for the follow-up. I received a call from Cassidy last week relative to this issue and also an email. I will likely call her shortly but I have emailed her back at the address she used to email me, twice, and have not heard back from her...

Hi MikeCallery,

I'm Crystal, another member of the Ford Social Media team. I'm taking over the reins here while Cory works on new projects.

Did you hear back from CSM Cassidy? If you'd like a follow-up from her, send me a PM and I'll get the ball rolling.

I'm convinced that most of the Explorers are 'possessed' to some degree. I have had mibe since March 2011 and a couple of times when starting it up the radio blasts at me. I still have the intermittant windshield wipe despite have the TSB done a year ago. The other day I was parked facing a large store window and when I started the Ex, the parking lights and then the head lights flashed ON and OFF. Normally the parking lights (DRL) only come on when I put the vehicle in gear.
A day later, when I started it up, the radio was OFF. This also has happened a couple of times. I never manually turn it off when getting out. Most of the time it is very well behaved but every now and then........


Thanks for sharing your valuable experience, Peter. If you ever need my assistance getting your vehicle "exorcised" just let me know. ;)



Thank you, yes. Cassidy did call me and told me that she looked forward to hearing back from me. I emailed her twice since that day and never heard back from her. I have an opening to get the car dropped off but since this is a repetitive issue and escalating, I told Cassidy I need to have a loaner car in the interim if the dealership is going to keep the car longer then a day. I never heard back from this after writing her.


I wholeheartedly agree with you and almost feel sorry for Ford and my issue. My ABS light came on suddenly one day, Ford fixed it, it stayed off for a bit and then came on. I'd call my tech, tell her, set up an appointment and then the light would go off the day before. I wrote Ford, Cassidy followed up. The day after she called me, the light went off and has been off.

I started taking pictures of the light each day to document my complaint. I've had days where I go to work in the early morning, the light's on. I go out for lunch, the light's off. I head home in the afternoon, the lights on.

I don't care anymore if it's on or off, as long as I know the airbag is going to work if something were to happen.

Hi MikeCallery,

I'm Crystal, another member of the Ford Social Media team. I'm taking over the reins here while Cory works on new projects.

Did you hear back from CSM Cassidy? If you'd like a follow-up from her, send me a PM and I'll get the ball rolling.

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience, Peter. If you ever need my assistance getting your vehicle "exorcised" just let me know. ;)

Thanks Crystal. I think it is just playing 'mind games' with me. At my age that may not be a bad thing either, to challenge the ol' grey matter from time to time. :D



Thank you, yes. Cassidy did call me and told me that she looked forward to hearing back from me. I emailed her twice since that day and never heard back from her. I have an opening to get the car dropped off but since this is a repetitive issue and escalating, I told Cassidy I need to have a loaner car in the interim if the dealership is going to keep the car longer then a day. I never heard back from this after writing her.

Hi MikeCallery,

I sent a message to CSM Cassidy letting her know that you'd like a follow-up call. Please keep me in the loop and let me know when she contacts you; I'm always happy to step in if you need any additional assistance.

Thanks Crystal. I think it is just playing 'mind games' with me. At my age that may not be a bad thing either, to challenge the ol' grey matter from time to time. :D


LOL, Peter! I'm glad to hear that it's keeping you on your toes. ;)



Thank you, yes. Cassidy did call me and told me that she looked forward to hearing back from me. I emailed her twice since that day and never heard back from her. I have an opening to get the car dropped off but since this is a repetitive issue and escalating, I told Cassidy I need to have a loaner car in the interim if the dealership is going to keep the car longer then a day. I never heard back from this after writing her.

Hi again, MikeCallery,

Could you PM me with your email address? Cassidy is trying to track down your most recent messages.

