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Ford Introduces EcoBoost Interceptor Utility


Billy Bad Ass:thumbsup:

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I really like that grill, is it the same as the sport
? Looks like it will be alot better at cooling.

I really like that grill, is it the same as the sport
? Looks like it will be alot better at cooling.

No, that grill is not the same as sport. That one looks much more basic (and easier to clean too).

Yes he is correct that grill is exclusive to the EcoBoost Interceptor. We asked if it will go on other Interceptors and we were told no.

They did that for a unique look as well as enhanced cooling.

Can't tell from the grill mesh but is that the intercooler peering through there? I believe they are black from the factory?

I thought the Intercooler was a little higher up, but I never actually looked at the EcoBoost Interceptor behind the grill. I will take a look next time I drive it.

I haven't driven the Ecoboost interceptor, just the regular one. It handles so much better than my explorer. I can't wait to get them at my station. I'm a bigger guy. The crown Vic is small at times. Especially after a 12.5 hour shift.

love the Intercepter Utility!!! There are plenty of them around nyc (unmarked) which is great cause mine blends right in with it being all blacked out haha.

I like that hood emblem! Since my factory Explorer one is crooked anyway, may need to make it a future mod to get the "INTERCEPTOR" hood emblem!

We build these vehicles for departments daily. I will say there is more changed in police model than some might think - but most changes are for durability than for anything else..

Remember that these vehicles share many many parts with the sedan / taurus... this way the fleets do not have to stock as many parts.

Interior comfort is the other thing... bells and whistles.. etc...

I find the seating position in the interceptor utility to be too low - much of that was done to accommodate the giant cop.. and the need for the partition to be installed in the vehicle.

My sport will end up very close to the police version as far as having the best of both worlds. Comfort and cool accessories.

At least that is the plan....

Since I rep the lighting company used in all the ford supplied units... might as well make it a show piece..

if someone has the part number for that interceptor badge can you please post it? I want to order one!

I like that hood emblem! Since my factory Explorer one is crooked anyway, may need to make it a future mod to get the "INTERCEPTOR" hood emblem!

This unit, the EcoBoost V6 Interceptor Utility, is still only in MP build stages, not production builds yet. They anticipated date for production units is February/March/April.

Only after that will parts be available.

I'm seeing the AZ DPS using more of these now (light bar, slick top and unmarked) in my area and expect to see more. AZ DPS used primarilly CV's and seems to be testing Tahoes, PI's and Impalas (but now that body is out of production).

I have a cop friend that went to Austin for a competitive evaluation of new vehicles a few weeks ago. I asked him which one he liked the best and he said the new Explorer Interceptor. He said they went out with a professional driver and he nearly crapped his pants, was amazed at the speed and handling. When the crown vic came to it's end his department bought up a bunch of them and they are starting to wear out now, so they're in shopping mode.

I'm seeing the AZ DPS using more of these now (light bar, slick top and unmarked) in my area and expect to see more. AZ DPS used primarilly CV's and seems to be testing Tahoes, PI's and Impalas (but now that body is out of production).

Ya I know......they have a dark side blue unmarked one that patrols the 10W.....out by me in Goodyear.

I almost didn't see him at night.

Even though I drive one its still hard to pick them off in traffic.

This unit, the EcoBoost V6 Interceptor Utility, is still only in MP build stages, not production builds yet. They anticipated date for production units is February/March/April.

Only after that will parts be available.

okay, please keep us updated if you can!

Ya I know......they have a dark side blue unmarked one that patrols the 10W.....out by me in Goodyear.

I almost didn't see him at night.

Even though I drive one its still hard to pick them off in traffic.

Seen that one many times, and thankfully not behind me :)

I recently returned from the Cops West show in Ontario, CA and had the pleasure of attending the Ford Police Interceptor ride & drive event at the Fontana Speedway. All models of the Ford Police vehicles were in attendance which included the new Ecoboost Utility. Power was great as well as handling with phenomenal brakes. The vehicles were run driver after driver on a tight closed course which included serpentines, sweepers, and tight corners. The brakes held up run after run with no fade or loss of feel. I drove the non-Ecoboost models (sedan & utility) first to get a feel for the vehicles. Then I moved over to the Ecoboost track. There was a big difference in power but honestly the base 3.7L would work fine for the majority of depts. out there.

There was one question that I forgot to ask the Ford engineers that maybe SGT1411 can answer. Will a Class III tow package be offered on the Interceptor Utility?

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