Found Broken Vac. Line Assembly uknown | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Found Broken Vac. Line Assembly uknown


May 22, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Falmouth, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 awd 5.0
Finally found the source of my vac. leak behind the dash, two lines going into a black plastic housing that seems to be broken off something larger (perhaps a sensor), it has 2 small pin holes in relation to the vac. lines, does anyone know where this unit goes? i have looked high and low, and have plenty of scrapes to prove it lol.



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This is a 92 explorer?
was this up near the glove box?
It looks like the connector that goes from inside the truck to the heater box itself.
Like if you were to remove the heater box fromt he engine side this is where it connects, HOWEVER I am talking about a Gen II (95+)
On your 92 I believe the vacuum line comes into the truck from the engine bay down with the main PCM harness, and it ONLY connects to a little vaccuum switch mounted above the computer, above the passenger side kick panel.

The Gen II's use a vacuum HVAC system where everything is controlled with Vacuum. ON your truck I think the vacuum system ends at the switch above the kick panel.

In other words, did you remove the pass side kick panel and look up there?

Hi thanks for the reply, more info would probably help... i found the black connector sitting near the heater control panel just under the radio, it isnt long enough to reach the glove box,doesnt seem to have come from the hvac control unit, the 2 vac lines come from the drivers side. and sorry this is a 1994 gen1

Thanks for the help!!

Did you remove the Hvac control unit?

Does the HVAC work properly? meaning you have cold and hot air?

if it does NOT go tot he HVAC controls I would remove theglove box lid (or just hang it down) and look under there. It looks like the connector (like I said) that goes from cab to heater box, if it is then you will have to remove your heater box from the engine side to fix this. Not as hard as it sounds or looks really.

no i didnt remove heater control (doesnt appear to have any vac. lines going to it anyhow) alot different from my 1992.. and like i said it is just barely long enough to reach just to the far side of the radio, wont come close the glove box area. oh and yes forgot to add, everything works fine hot/cold zones etc.. perspective on the pictures also, the connector is sitting on the center hump below the ashtray

You should have two (2) lines comming from the engine bay through the firewall. Follow along these lines until you come to the two (2) piece connector, (Vacuum control valve to 14401 wire harness). From here keep following the 2 lines to the Vacuum control valve (in the control assembly). Valve activated by "MAX A/C" or "OFF" modes only. From here, the two lines go over to the outside/recirc. air door vacuum motor.
From your discription, you may have come apart at the wire harness. Lay the vacuum lines up around the main harness and see if you can find the other half of the connector.
Good luck.

Thanks For The help everyone, i have still yet to find where this unit goes, think ill take the hvac control unit out and look more closely at it and the area around it.

Thanks Again.

I just replaced my air control unit, and I swear that thing was on there or I saw it.
