Front Driveshaft Torque Specifications | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Driveshaft Torque Specifications


October 20, 2013
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer 5.0 AWD
Hello everyone. I brand new here, and I have a question about my truck.

I have just finished replacing the cv-joint located on my front driveshaft, and it looks like my chilton's manual has declined to show a proper torque value for reinstallation at either end. I currently have it hand tight at both ends, with blue loctite on the (front) u-joint end. Does anybody have a definite source for the specs?

This is for a '99 AWD 5.0. Thanks.

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Not a definitive answer, but I think it might be 11-15 FT/lb's.

Nevertheless, I didn't torque set my driveshaftst. :)

Thanks for the reply, 1992fordgreen. I understand that the torque values are different at the differential u-joint end and the transfer case, cv-joint end. To which specific bolts are you referring? And can you site a source for these torque values?

Transfer Case Torque specifications directly typed from CHILTONS by me

Cam Plate
Bolt A 70-90 ft/IBS
Bolt B 31-42 ft/IBS
Breather vent 72-168 in/IBS
Upper shift control and heat sheild bolts 27-37 ft/IBS
Transfer case to Transmission bolts 25-35 ft/IBS
Yoke nut 150-180 ft/IBS
Skid plate to frame bolts 22-30 ft/IBS
Speedometer cable bolt 20-25 in/IBS
Bearing retainer bolts 26-32 ft/IBS
Shift motor bolts 71-97 in/IBS

Page 8-21 in CLUTCH AND DRIVELINE Chiltons


Driveshaft to transfer case bolts:
Explorer/Mounty 12-16 ft/IBS
Ranger models 70-95 ft/IBS

Driveshaft to rear axle bolts
With double Cardan U-joint 70-95 ft/IBS
With single cardan U-joints 96-180 in/IBS

1997 and later
4WD models 70-95 ft/IBS
2WD models 64-87 ft/IBS

Ranger 70-95 ft/IBS


Driveshaft to transfer case flange bolts
1991-1996 70-95 ft/IBS
1997 and later (new bolts) 22 ft/IBS
Ranger 22 ft/IBS

Driveshaft to differential yoke bolts 120-180 in/IBS

Those specifications are straight out of the CHILTONS 1991-1999 Ford Explorer/ranger/mounty manual

Have fun (hehehe)

Transfer Case Torque specifications directly typed from CHILTONS by me

Cam Plate
Bolt A 70-90 ft/IBS
Bolt B 31-42 ft/IBS
Breather vent 72-168 in/IBS
Upper shift control and heat sheild bolts 27-37 ft/IBS
Transfer case to Transmission bolts 25-35 ft/IBS
Yoke nut 150-180 ft/IBS
Skid plate to frame bolts 22-30 ft/IBS
Speedometer cable bolt 20-25 in/IBS
Bearing retainer bolts 26-32 ft/IBS
Shift motor bolts 71-97 in/IBS

Page 8-21 in CLUTCH AND DRIVELINE Chiltons


Driveshaft to transfer case bolts:
Explorer/Mounty 12-16 ft/IBS
Ranger models 70-95 ft/IBS

Driveshaft to rear axle bolts
With double Cardan U-joint 70-95 ft/IBS
With single cardan U-joints 96-180 in/IBS

1997 and later
4WD models 70-95 ft/IBS
2WD models 64-87 ft/IBS

Ranger 70-95 ft/IBS


Driveshaft to transfer case flange bolts
1991-1996 70-95 ft/IBS
1997 and later (new bolts) 22 ft/IBS
Ranger 22 ft/IBS

Driveshaft to differential yoke bolts 120-180 in/IBS

Those specifications are straight out of the CHILTONS 1991-1999 Ford Explorer/ranger/mounty manual

Have fun (hehehe)

So, yeah. Sorry you had to type all that in, but it looks like you've got the same manual as i do. As near as i can figure, that manual covers up to but does not include my front drive shaft type. The driveshaft is neither a single, nor double cardan type, but is the cv-joint prop shaft type to BorgWarner 44-05. Looks to me like it's time for a little loctite and gutentight.

Just tighten them as tight as you can and you should be good.

You know what I :D

LOL All right, hold my beer... ;)

Gutentight it already is. I'll just back out the six allen heads and get some medium loctite on there to make sure they hold. Had 'em come loose on me twice. Once was on the bridge, :eek: . Which is why I had to replace the cv-joint. Hearing one of these things eat itself is a little nerve-wracking, and two separate mechanics were unable to remedy the issue. I'll give you the verdict on this after I've had it on the road a bit, while carrying the necessary tools to fix it in my glovebox. :cool:
