front end "grinding" sound>? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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front end "grinding" sound>?


February 10, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 xlt awd 5.0
1997 AWD 5.o xlt

Sound is comming from front end, I thought it was brakes but is still there after changing. I've changed brakes 3 times every 1-2k miles thinking this could be it. Maybe cheap brakes, but now I am affraid it could be more. Sounds likie grinding or rubbing brake? you can hear it more at slower speeds and same when braking and slowing.
Any ideas would be aoppreciated. It's my wifes vehicle and I don't want it to fail on her.
Thank you

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Maybe a warped rotor? A real good grinding is from having the pads worn down to the bone, squeeks from worn pads. Are the pads all wearing evening?

Have you checked the wheel bearings? if it's a constant grinding I'm willing to bet it's one of them.

I thought the rotor thing also, but had them turned, they are fine. Pads, everytime I have replaced them they are even and still good.

I am starting to lean toward the hub or bearing. I was just hoping someone would say " hey it happened to mine also.... it's the ..........?"

Maybe someone will come around. I need to get it figured out before it gets too bad though.

It's possible it's also a CV shaft but i beleive they make more of a ticking noise, regardless both are expensive to replace. :(

Yes, I believe CV's normally are a "clicking" sound, this is more of a grinding, but a deep grinding tone. It's hard to describe and I can't figure out if it's comming from one side or the other.

I was looking through some papers, I believe the warenty she bought with the vehicle will cover most everything that could be wrong. At first i wasn't happy when she bought the "Gold" used vehicle warrenty, but this will be the second time we use it.
First was when there we found the transmission had a vibration in it, when shifting into OD at normal acceleration. It felt like you were hitting rumble strips on the side of the road.

The V8's are extra hard on the fromt bearings because of the extra weight. If it has over 100K, the bearings become very likely. I've had to replace mine. Hope that isn't Warrantee Gold, think they are bankrupt.

It has 60k miles. I don't think it is Warenty Gold? :eek:
I'll have to check it out.

If you got a warrenty definantly look into getting them replaced under warrenty, the bearings go for about 200 each new.

WOW ! :eek: That price is crazy, but new I understand. Yes, I checked this AM and bearings are in warenty. Planning a trip to dealer this week

My X is 96 model 5.0 liter with approx 141000 on the odometer.

It developed what I would call a roar up about 75 mph, no vibration felt through the vehicle. At lower speds there was no noise just tire noise. Drove like this for a week. Yesterday leaving work I pulled onto the hiway and before I could get to 65 there was a very loud roar and vibration that I could feel thru the pedals and the steering wheel, even thru the seat of my pants. Limped home at a modest speed and pulled the hubs off and the right outside bearing practically fell in my hand as soon as I took the nut off. The grease looked like it had gotten water in it at some point, it had streaks of grey thru the grease on the spindle.

Anyway, washed the bearings out in gasoline and got rid of all the old grease in the hubs. Repacked everything and now its great.

It took me 2 hrs to do this job but it was 17 degrees outside where I did the work.

You must have a 2wd explorer. :) The 4wd have a sealed bearing/hub assembly that cannot be dissasembled. I wish our trucks (4wd) had a traditional hub/bearing setup, it would make maintenance alot cheaper/easier.

he has an AWD not a 2WD :D

i think he means just the back of the hub assembly. if so, it wasn't a real repack. know what i mean?

The Awd explorers have the same type of hub/bearing assembly as the 4wd. They're sealed i dont see how you could clean them. Ford did offer the v8 in 2wd so i'm betting that is what he has.

Mine is the V8 AWD 97 explorer

Originally posted by Doug
Ford did offer the v8 in 2wd

i didn't know that!

My X had a sqeaking sound coming from it and and it turned out to be my front wheel bearings which I just replaced this weekend and it took about 30min total and its a 4x4..not sure if it would be harder on a 2nd or 3rd parts about $35...sure beats paying $150 per wheel :)
