front end shudders when braking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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front end shudders when braking


Active Member
December 27, 2001
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City, State
SF Bay Area , California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Ok I have changed the front inner tie rods. new tires, ceramic brake pads, shocks and also got the alignment done with the adjustable spacers.
Questions is when i step on the brakes going faster than 50mph the front end shudders. This has been going on for about a month the tires in the front have been wearing weird on the inside about 1/3 of the tires surface patch. I just rotated and it didnt help. Could it be warped rotors or worn ball joints? please help thanks

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when you replaced the pads did you machine the front rotors? cause it sounds like warped rotors.

got them machined but driving agressive all the time :D buddy said that he had some problems with ceramic on his truck also.

Do you think if the rotors are warped that would cause the tires to wear unevenly only on the inside?

Ceramic Pads

This is slightly off topic... but...

I was talking to the manager of the NAPA auto parts store I go to and he said Ceramic pads are a BAD idea if your rotors were not made for them. (He is an ASE Certified Master Mechanic, knows quite a bit about cars) The ceramic is harder than the metal rotors and chews up rotors if they are not made for ceramic pads. I can attest to this because my father put ceramic pads on his 2000 GMC Safari and it ate the rotors fast. (So, did Semi-Metallic pads to his '95 S-10)

Just a little food for thought.

Getting an alignment, and the tires wearing on the insides is not a good thing. Sounds like the camber is off, or parts are worn out. A good alignment shop should have informaed you if stuff (balljoints, etc) were bad, or going bad.

Depending on how long it has been since the alignment, I would probably have to pay them a visit.

Get a shop to turn your rotors, it is pretty cheap to do. When you change your pads it's a good idea to have this done, to give the new pads a fresh level surface to work with. I'm getting ready to do this myself. I work for a company called Accu-Turn that sell brake lathes, tire changers, balancers, lifts and alignment. We have a full shop w/ all of our equipment that employees can use at any time. Needless to say, I am there early every Saturday working on my X. Oh yeah, do consider an alignment, I just had mine done and I have notice a significant increase in gas milage.

Ok I did get the alignment bout 8 months ago. I have also machined the thinking the shudder could be caused by warped rotors..with my heavy foot..driving it like i ride my gsxr750 i Probaly warped the rotors..the only thing i could think of it could be is worn ball joints..but the questions is why only the inside would wear for both tires exactly the same way.

Sounds like the exact same thing I had going on over the summer. Just the inside of the front tires were wearing faster than everywhere else. I didnt have the shuddering problem though, that sounds like the brakes. Anyway what was wrong with mine was the lower ball joints were bad. Got those replaced and the tires have been wearing fine ever since.

Also just looked at the inside of the tires and they are worn and cupped..the wear is not evenly worn there are dips and ridges so to speak.
