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Front lift options


Well-Known Member
July 15, 2003
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Eau Claire,WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer 5.0
Hey everyone. I just won an ebay auction for a pro comp double add a leafs, and I have some shackles that I just bought. So, now that I have all the stuff for the rear, what do I need to do to get the front up to, so it is even with the rear. I figure the double add a leafs should give me 2-3" , and the cheap shackles should give me 1.5-2" for a total of 3.5-5" in the back. So what is needed to get 3.5-5" out of the front. I know that coil spacers are only going to give me about 1.5", so thats not really an option. Do i just need to get some 4 or 5" lift coils, and a set of axle drop down brackets? I need to go as cheap as possible on the front here, because im getting short on cash, so it needs to be cheap. Anything else im going to need?

Also, where is the best place to get lift coils, and axle drop brackets? Anyone got some for sale?

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The cheapest way to lift a 1st gen. explorer is the F-150 coil spacer(1 5/8") or 2" daystar coil spring bushing in the front and add-a-leaf(s) and/or shakles in the rear, and most likely new camber bushings in the front. Once you go beyond that you need drop down brackets on the TTB and radius arms and after 2" of lift you will need to get diffrent shocks,after 2.5"-3" of lift you should get extended brakes, after 4"+ of lift a dropped pitman arm.
Not to mention bigger tires, gears etc..
This is not exact but you get the picture, I have learned from reading that it is normally better to buy a whole kit than rather try to peice it together unless you have time to wait for the good deals to come by.
I do know someone who has some James Duiff radius arm dropdown brackets, but I do not know if he wants to sell them.

double aal and shackles might get about 4" but i dont htink you will get 5 out of it

cool, 4 inches is plenty for me. So for the front now I guess I will need 4" axle pivot brackets, and 4" lift coils, also new shocks, and longer brake lines. With the 4" will I be able to use my front or rear swaybar without swaybar extensions? Anything else that I will need?

swaybar extensions yes at 4".

Do you know where I can get swaybar extensions? I can probably just run without swaybars.

I do not use sway bars at all it just takes a little while to get use to it.

Thanks Joe
