Front Seat Mod | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Seat Mod


Well-Known Member
January 20, 2000
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City, State
Santa Clarita, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Dodge Durango Limited
I'm looking to do this on my girfriend's car soon and was wondering if it's possible for an explorer as well.

For anyone that has had their seats out, does this look similar to the seat bottom you have on your 1997-ish truck?



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I did that mod in our Mustang cause I'm 6' 3" and leg room was very tight. Our 99 Explorer with the power seats have plenty of leg room. Yours must be manual, I don't think they travel back as far as the power seats.

can u use 95-00 seats in a 91 -94 explorer?,what about blazer seats could u use those in an explorer?

I dunno if that would work or not, but I'd like a nice set of black leather heated seats outta a grand cherokee... In reality that would be expensive as hell and a ton of work to make them fit, let alone get the heating element to work, but I find those seats pretty damn comfy!

Hmm Pete, what are you doing in that old 91, you could have a 5.9 ltr Grand Cherokee with those seats lifted for nearly what you have into your truck now. Plus a straight fron axle, think about that before you jump on a Dana 44 in the front for your next project

I have a 91 exploder can I put a set of newer seats in it??? If so what years, a junk yard has a newer set of leather seats from a 1999 ???

I would think it would be possible to mount seats from a 99 in a 91. It may take a little fabrication to get it to work if it doesn't just swap out, but I would think it would be possible. If I'm wrong somebody tell me because I've thought about doing it to mine as well.


I recently put 1994 Leather PWR seats in my 91 Explorer. I'm 6-4 and noticed that that the 1994 leather seats with 8 way power movements controls allowed the chair to move back farther than my PREVIOUS Manual leather seats(1991) The 1994 were NOT BOLT-IN. I had to drill new mounting points for the two front bolts.

Newer explorer seats will fit, but you will have to be creative......and have a drill and a couple of bolts!

Hope this helps.
