front wheel bouncing when turning | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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front wheel bouncing when turning

LuisCypher said:
yes, once max turned left or right it starting to bounce (move up and down) and you can see it and feel it while driving, the slower car is going the more you can feel it, in a critical moments whole front of a car is moving up and down (you know like those mexican cars with pneumatical suspension) and whole time I can feel and hear grinding noise somewhere in front of pedals.

So, once the wheel is turned all the way, there is a squealing and grinding noise, and the wheel moves up and down, correct?

Step on the brakes. When the wheels stop, does the vibration also stop?

If the vibration stops when the wheels stop, it's drivetrain related. I'd put my money on a bad outer CV joint (although the inner could be bad too.... $70 from any AutoZone, lifetime warranty). If the vibration continues when the wheel stops, then it's steering related.

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Well If it is bumping or rattling before the wheels get to the mechanical stop, then you have either a power steering problem or the rack and pinion is the problem.
If you have the wheels cranked all the way to the mechanical stop and you are still holing the steering wheel, it will make noise, and it will bump or rattle. It is normal at the full max position of the wheel turn of this to happen. Most people don't do this, for this reason. You are trying to make the wheels go past the mechanical stop, and it will bump & grind.

I'll try to do this test ASAP; the only one question is bothering me: why is this happening only while TOD engaging front wheels? Don’t you think this it should happen all the time? Or maybe I'm wrong.

gijoecam said:
So, once the wheel is turned all the way, there is a squealing and grinding noise, and the wheel moves up and down, correct?


gijoecam said:
Step on the brakes. When the wheels stop, does the vibration also stop?


gijoecam said:
If the vibration stops when the wheels stop, it's drivetrain related. I'd put my money on a bad outer CV joint (although the inner could be bad too.... $70 from any AutoZone, lifetime warranty). If the vibration continues when the wheel stops, then it's steering related.

I'd say that, based on the last info, it's a halfshaft problem. The joint is turned to its maximum angle when turned to full lock, and that causes the joint bind-up to get even worse.

IMHO, as best I can tell, it's pointing towards a bad CV joint.


thanks, i'm going to have this checked tomorrow. will let know about any discoveries.

Sorry for delays, I’ve lost my computer for couple of days, anyway, I’ve had checked halfshaft and CV join (as I’ve been said) looks ok. Like mentioned before, I’ve been directed onto diff problem. I’m completely lost, and I don’t know what to think about one.
