FS: Fosgate Amp and Speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FS: Fosgate Amp and Speakers


September 2, 2000
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Rockford Fosgate 250 watt amp. Still have original box and birth certificate rated at 432 watts peak power. 2 Rockford Fosgate Punch 15' subs enclosed box. It's obviously really loud. Also wires if you are interested and don't have your own (one from the battery(not sure of the gauge), ground wire, remote wire from the radio, RCA cables). They are from Streetwires, what they sell if you get your equipment installed at Circuit City. Sell for $500.00. Buyer pays for shipping.

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is the amp a PUNCH? one of the older black and red ones? or one of the newer gold and silver ones?

It is the newer black and silver one I just purchased it this summer from Best Buy.

May I ask how come youre selling it? And is the price negotiable at all?

The amp is a punch. The only reason I'm selling it is that I grew out of my deafening sound phase. I'm trying to sell all my stuff including my truck so I can get a fast car and I don't want to have all that sound equipment in there.

Is it still available and is the price negotiable?

If you want them right now I'll sell for 450.00, if not I won't negotiate anymore because I'm selling the truck soon and those who have expressed interest are also interested in the equipment.
