@#$% fuel gauge | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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@#$% fuel gauge


New Member
May 6, 2008
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Filled up my x yesterday everything was fine. Started it up this morning and the fuel gauge moved BELOW empty. I said "What the f*ck" ..literally. I thought some punk kid sucked my gas out over night. So I went to the gas station and it only pumped a half gallon. I said wtf again.... So now my gauge does not work, worked fine when I turned of my truck last night now it doesn't...what gives? I checked the wires from the tank and nothing seems corroded or frayed. Any suggestions on how or why a gas gauge would quit working over night without running? Mind you the gauge moves to below empty when the key is turned on, and back to empty when off, so I would think the sending unit is still good otherwise it would not move at all correct?

