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fuel odor


March 11, 2009
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2002 ranger 4x4
seems like i have a sight fuel or oil odor inside my truck. it makes my eyes burn alittle. my truck doesnt seem to burn any oil, and i have a new fuel filter. could it be the cabin filter? i did seafoam my truck about a month ago, but did change the oil since then.

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i dont think sport tracs have a cabin filter, but im not sure. if you just changed your fuel filter check to make sure that all of the lines are snapped on all the way. and im not sure if this would be the same case with sport tracs, but i experienced a similar problem before in my old 4x4 rodeo, and it turned out to be the fuel pump itself.

could it be coolant? i open my hood today after driving it, and i could smell coolant. i dont see any signs of any leaks, and the rad is full. i also tried to clean my iac valve, and i thing i made it worse.

It was worse today, even my 5 year olds said they could smell gas. its so weird. i have no check engine lights. the pre. owner had the injectors cleaned, new thermostat and did plugs and wires. i did the fuel filter,air filter. cleaned the mass air, and iac valve. could it be a cylinder misfire or an 02 sensor? my truck also seems like a dog, and doent sift down while getting onto highway. the truck also passed emisions last month, and idles around 500rpm

when to auto zone today, and had it scaned. there are no codes. thought maybe i had a cylinder not fireing or something. i also notice my ac compressor kicks on when i have the heat on. Is that normal?

when to auto zone today, and had it scaned. there are no codes. thought maybe i had a cylinder not fireing or something. i also notice my ac compressor kicks on when i have the heat on. Is that normal?

AC compressor cycling is normal
