Fuel System NOT pressurizing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel System NOT pressurizing


December 23, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
96, V6

NOT hearing the small 'buzzzzz' when turning key to ON position.

Will not start on its own.

Will start/run with starter fluid.

I'm assuming fuel, fuel pump, fuel system.

Is this just an 'automatic fuel pump replacement', or is there something else that needs checking first?

And as much as I hate to ask.... 'where is the fuel pump'?


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It has none.

What's next?

I found one post that said if it'll run on starter fluid, it'd possibly be:

-Fuel Pump
-Crank Sensor
-Ignition Module

Crank Sensor and/or Ignition Module failure can shut fuel pump down.

Does this sound correct?

Is this just an 'automatic fuel pump replacement', or is there something else that needs checking first?
Long before I even thought of replacing the pump, I'd go through the entire fuel pump circuit and make sure that all is good. I'd really hate to go to all the bother and expense of changing a pump to find out that it was just a bad fuse or relay or a loose connection.

Was fuel pump.

