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Fuel Warning


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September 11, 2006
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I was wondering if any of you guys have had this exprience with your cars.The Limited I have now is supposed to take a maximum if 85litres to fill the tank.With my gauge and fuel warning buzzer coming on and reading low I can only fit 65 litres in.I have had it at the dealers and drove in with the gauge reading empty and 0 kms left in tank but when they pulled the tank out at least 25 litres was still in there.There explanation was to save me running out of gas which is OK but not 25 litres left.?.
Does anyone with a limited have a fix for this or I can just assume that nothing will be done from my good old service dept.
I would assume that you guys have the same service problems as I do in Aus as seems to be a worldwide problem.

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The fix is when the guage hits 0, fill up your tank! ha..

25L is a lot though (roughly 6 1/2 gallons). I can't believe they would make the guage read 0 with that much left.

I questioned this as could not believe 25 litres was still in there.I was sure they had put a smaller tank in it or something.
This is why I got the tank removed to see exactly and sure enough there was 25 litres still there with my guage reading below zero and Km left 0.?

I had gas gauge problems too. I sent it in to check it out and they just replaced the gauge.

I ran off the odometer for a while. If you figure out what kind of mileage you are getting, plus how much your tank holds, just reset the trip and go off that. Mine went to about 300 miles or so before I felt the need to refill.

This should not be the case mate.Not good enough.
Dont see this hassle in any Japanese made car?.

My "Low Fuel Level" warning sets off with 50miles remaining. This would mean 3.3 gal (or 13L) @ 15mpg city. I normally top off at lower 20's and usually end up filling odd 19 gal. As myy tank is spec'd to be 22.5 gal, I would assume that there is still roughly 6 gal left when the low fuel warning sets off. Is this the norm?

ASNU said:
This should not be the case mate.Not good enough.
Dont see this hassle in any Japanese made car?.

Then go buy a Japanese car. That type of response generally chaps my ass. Running off the odometer is generraly a good way to estimate your fuel consumption, and is a pretty good indicator of problems with the engine and emissions system. If you're regularly getting 300 miles per tank, and all of a sudden you're getting 150, there's a problem somewhere. It a way of getting by when other equipment (namely the fuel gauge) has failed. And yes, it happens even to the Jap crap as well.

The problem is that the dealership did not properly diagnose the problem. Pulling the tank to see how much fuel is left in it, and finding more than 1/4 tank of gas should have signaled something else was wrong. There is a diagnostic procedure available to the technicians at and Ford dealership that is designed to accurately troubleshoot the problem. It is quite obvious that they did not utilize the procedure, and if that's enough to make you buy a Japanese car, than go buy one.

Now, having neither your vehicle on hand, nor all the proper tools necessary even if I did have your vehicle here, I can't accurately diagnose the problem. My first suspicion would be that either the float has partially filled with gasoline and is not accurately reading the level, the sending unit in the tank may not be reading the proper resistance over its range of travel, or the anti-slosh module in the instrument cluster is giving an erroneous reading to the gauge. Again, lacking the tools and vehicle, the is not going to be easy to troubleshoot via the 'net.

FYI, Industry standard for the gauge reading is that the warning light should come on with 10% of the tank's capacity left in it. If your cap is 85 liters, it'll come on with roughly 8-10 liters left.



Thank you for such a informative response.Do you have a limited with a message centre on the dash that is constantly adjusting to driving conditions or litres used per 100km?.I drive alot in the city and do long trips on the expressway sometimes doing 1100km in a day and want a gauge that is accurate.My fuel consumption can vary from 18L/100 to 13L/100 on the expressway.When I have a message centre says its dead empty with 0 kms left in the tank I really are not going to take the risk of running the tank dry but as it is at present this has limited my driving range by up to 200kms.
I have had the car at the dealers with the tank out and a new gauge fitted and was told this is as spec/As per other forum member comments.
My first thought that maybe the tank fitted was smaller for the Aus built cars but this is not the case/Then the guage but a new one fitted and the same so no different.
I really do not want to hear the words [Jap Crap].Do abit of travelling mate outside of the US and you will see the amount of Japanese cars sold around the world.Ford or GM cannot match there sheer sales figures around the globe and quality control.Look what Lexus has done to your luxury car market.Dont they have 60% market share over there.Time to pull your head out of the sand mate.
This is my 10th Ford as I like the product and always will.I am sure if you where in the same situation and paid alot of money you would want a better response or have it reading correctly.

I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I feel compelled to address this post on a few different levels. Sorry for the long-winded rants....

ASNU said:
Thank you for such a informative response.Do you have a limited with a message centre on the dash that is constantly adjusting to driving conditions or litres used per 100km?.

I do not. I have a '98 2-door Sport as listed in my signature. The Sports were never equipped with the message center.

I drive alot in the city and do long trips on the expressway sometimes doing 1100km in a day and want a gauge that is accurate.My fuel consumption can vary from 18L/100 to 13L/100 on the expressway.When I have a message centre says its dead empty with 0 kms left in the tank I really are not going to take the risk of running the tank dry but as it is at present this has limited my driving range by up to 200kms.

Two questions: When the message center in the console says the tank is empty, does the gauge on the dash concur? When you first fill the tank, on the message center, how many KMs to empty does it show?

Is there an analog odometer on the dashboard as well in the Australian models? When we referred to watching the mileage, we implied that you would use that. Yes, it's not going to be the same every tank as the instantaneous mileage will vary with the driving conditions as you mentioned. However, the overall mileage traveled per tank will remain relatively steady, assuming you maintain the same driving patterns. Worst case, you said that the message center said it was empty when there was 8.5 liters left in it. In lieu of a proper repair, let's be conservative and say that you had at least 7 left in the tank. Now, worst case, you know you get 13L/100K, so that means you're good for AT LEAST another 53 km. That's worst-case scenario. If you know that's the case, then why stop when the light comes on?

I have had the car at the dealers with the tank out and a new gauge fitted and was told this is as spec/

What test did they perform to determine it was a bad gauge? If they actually tested it, they should be able to show you the old one and explain the tests they performed to come to that conclusion.

I really do not want to hear the words [Jap Crap]. Do abit of travelling mate outside of the US and you will see the amount of Japanese cars sold around the world.

I'll call it what I want. I'm entitled to my opinion. I work for Ford, and I'm an American that chooses to support both a domestic automaker, as well as the company that has put food on my table, clothing on my back, and a roof over my head for four (soon to be 5) generations. Yes, I bleed Ford blue. I don't need to travel outside my country to see a proliferation of foreign vehicles. I see them every day. I LIVE it. When your job is on the line because someone can get the Japanese or the Chinese or the Indians or the Pakistanis to do it for a fraction of the cost, then you can tell me how I should feel about foreign competition. The fact of the matter is we cann't compete with the Chinese or the Japanese. How the hell do you maintain the standard of living we here in the states have built, when we're trying to compete with a company that can build similar products for a fraction of the cost because their employees make less in a year than I make in a month? We won't even get into the political restrictions imposed on foreign manufacturers in China, Japan, and the far west. We're already priced out of the market, then the local governments pile on more taxes and trade tariffs, further compounding the difficulty. Why do you think domestic automakers in that country dominate the market share so completely? Do you honestly think it's because Ford can't build a comparable product? Whatever....

But I digress....

Ford or GM cannot match there sheer sales figures around the globe and quality control.Look what Lexus has done to your luxury car market.Dont they have 60% market share over there.

Nope. Not sure where you got that figure from... Have we lost ground to the imports? yes. Are sales down because of it? Yes. Does Lexus have 60% of the luxury market in the US? Nope. The latest data I could find was from '04, and it showed luxury brands accounted for 11.5% of all US sales. Lexus sold 260,000 vehicles in '04, and was the best-selling luxury brand for the 4th year, but that doesn't mean much in my book. Even with slow sales, Ford still sells more pickups than that EVERY MONTH. I'm not impressed. I'll see what I can drum up for some real numbers from work tomorrow.

Time to pull your head out of the sand mate.
Not sure where that came from, but I assure you, although I'm no business analyst, as a loyal 4th-generation employee of the company, I see what's going on around us. Trust me, I see it every day.

This is my 10th Ford as I like the product and always will.I am sure if you where in the same situation and paid alot of money you would want a better response or have it reading correctly.

You must also keep in mind that you're dealing with a 12-year old vehicle (assuming we're talking about the '94 listed in your profile), and that vehicle was based on an even older vehicle (the late 80s Ford Ranger compact pickup truck). The technology has come a long way since then, and wasn't very refined to start with. There are plenty of other members here that have the same vehicle (in left hand drive trim, of course) that have not had that issue, and I'd be willing to bet good money that far more people have NOT had that problem than have had it. I'm sure there are plenty of 12+ year old 'Other-than-Ford' vehicles driving around out there with less than accurate fuel gauges as well.

Now, getting back to the problem at hand....

Let's start from the beginning. We understand that the message center indicates that you have 0 kms to empty long before the tank is empty. When that happens, what does the gauge on the dash say? What tests has the dealership performed on the system to determine that the gauge was bad? What parts have been replaced in an attempt to fix the problem? The system isn't extrordinarily complex, but as I mentioned in my first reply, there are a few parts that come to mind. We'd all love to help more, but we need more info about the problem and the results of any troubleshooting that's already been completed to get you pointed in the right direction.

Always happy to help,



Thank you for your reply mate.This is the 2nd Explorer I have had as the first 98XLT V6 was a exceptional car.I have had 4 Aus built cars in between and found the quality of these cars could not match the US built cars thus this is why I bought another one.
Please dont get me wrong in saying the quality cant match overseas brands[Japanese etc] but they have come a long way to attract customers.The cars/Trucks are actually more expensive than the Ford brand is Australia so price is of no issue here.They are the number one car seller in Australia for the past 5 years and it does reflect how they have good quality control/Aftersales service and resale values.Regarding the Lexus sales I was referring to top end Luxury market/LS400/LX470 and new RX400 Hybrid which are exceptional quality cars.
The influx of cheap imports has occured worldwide mate but I firmly believe that in the future that people will rebel against cheap and nasty products that hit owe streets and just dangerous in my eyes.
You would think as you have expressed Tariffs rates etc that the Gov would make it abot harder for all these imports to protect your and my local manufactureing businesses as I really do not want to be in the position in the future of only having to source O/S product as in most cases just junk.
Regarding my message centre in my 05 it goes like this.Fuel warning message centre beeps and lights up 100km from empty.Drive until Kms left reading is 20kms to go and can only fit 65 litres in everytime.This has been explained to me as per factory spec which I feel is not right.I have been back 3 times now and really no explanation for fitting new sender etc.Guessing I think.

I didn't realize it was an '05 as you didn't mention that and your signature said it was a 94 last night (or so I thought???).

OK, so we're dealing with an '05... The fact that it happens at precisely 100km to empty leads me to believe that it's doing what it's programmed to. Like it or not, if that's the way the instrument cluster is programmed to respond, that's what it's going to do. The instrument cluster bases the distance to empty on the duty cycle of the fuel injectors, estimating the amount of fuel consumed and comparing that to the level of fuel it sees in the tank. It's a complicated algorythm, not one I'll find in the manual. In lieu of that, I can only assume that it's doing what it's programmed to. (They're just big dumb boxes that do what they're told to do)

The fact that yours indicates 0 miles to empty when there's still 20% left in the tank leads me to agree that there's something out of whack there. I managed to find this in the shop manual:

The distance to empty, average fuel economy display does not operate correct

Possible sources:
Instrument cluster

CHECK the operation of the speedometer, the fuel gauge and the odometer.
If the speedometer, the fuel gauge or the odometer do not operate correctly, REFER to Section 413-01.
If the speedometer, the fuel gauge or the odometer operate correctly, INSTALL a new instrument cluster. REFER to Section 413-01. TEST the system for normal operation

Based on that, if they did the proper checks, they should have been replacing the instrument cluster. Unless they can show you IN WRITING something from Ford engineering that says it should read 0 km to empty with 20% left in the fuel tank, I would insist that they keep attempting to correct the problem. I suspect it's got something to do with the IC, not the tank. The odds of getting three failed sending units in the tank are pretty slim.

I would think that the next place to check would be the speedometer and odometer accuracy. Has that been done?


Thank you so much for information.I really dont think they have looked at this side of it at all.I at present have really had enough of there attempts to fix as just seems to be a waste of time.I get the feeling they dont even know what there looking for.
Dave from Explorerexpress suggested maybe a new download or upgraded program burnt into the message centre from Ford.Seems to be just a hit or miss at present.I have spoken to a couple of people with Limiteds and they really where not aware it had a 85 litre in it and can only as well fit 65 litres in.
I would like to hear from other people with this model to see they have this issue as I am sure I am not the only one.
