Gas smell inside the cabin. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas smell inside the cabin.


Explorer Addict
November 16, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Rockland County, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
06EB V8
2006 v8, 301k miles
150k miles on the current engine

For the past few months, I can smell the gas or very rich exhaust fumes inside the cabin, especially at start.
I looked under the hood, checked injectors for any leaks and nothing.
The long term fuel trim is 8-9 % on both banks, short term is -2%
The exhaust smokes a little, I am still not sure if those are valve seals or piston rings.
No error codes or misfires whatsoever, runs strong and smooth.
I thought EVAP leak somewhere or canister is bad, but again, no codes.
The whole exhaust system was replaced including manifolds, and I checked with my bare hands for leaks at the joints but all is good.
Fuel system and EVAP system still original from the factory.

Any ideas ?

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Gas pump seal gone maybe?

96 had a rotted out evap line. Replaced with a 20' 7/16 fuel hose from a parts store. There was a hole in the tube under the hood and a few others on the tube. You should get some codes though with that problem. Bad gas smell.

Smoke test the evap system...

96 - I am thinking about getting a cheap smoke machine. But again, no EVAP errors .....

Bazz - the fuel pump seal - you mean the ring on top of the tank under the pump ?

96 - I am thinking about getting a cheap smoke machine. But again, no EVAP errors .....

Bazz - the fuel pump seal - you mean the ring on top of the tank under the pump ?
But if you have no EVAP codes theoretically you have no leaks in your fuel system...
